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The dorms were quiet as the day began, a looming sense of incompletion and betrayal left a chilling atmosphere in the dorms as the class woke up, still haunted by the events of the previous day. From having to hear and see that close friends are murderers did a number on the classes levels of trust to seeing one of them classmates fall to the floor after a dangerous attack any normal 16 year old would of died from. The previous day left many doubts and questions, Can we trust them? Did they know that attack was going to happen? Did the teachers know about this? Were they ever our friends? But one thing was for certain. The boys would never be welcome in a hero class let alone the most prestigious hero school in Japan. The students made their way to class silently and swiftly hoping to not see the villains within their classroom again.

As the car arrived at UA the whole campus seemed to freeze. The trio got out of the car (the tie on their uniform feeling ever so tight around their throats) followed by their teachers. "Get to class."
"We won't be welcome, so why should we. Your gonna be hated enough for allowing us into this school. Why do we need to go into a room where people are gonna falsely accuse us of being something we're not without even knowing why we have to do it. It's not even justifiable that you allow us here and I refuse to bring down the other 2 vigilantes two in the classroom down with us. I'm not going willingly and it's not my fault if I cause a duel between me and another specific boy." Dafydd complained. His throat tightening as he spoke the second to last sentence.
"I don't care that you are not going willingly and please hear the students out. Some may understand after they know the full story. I know for a fact my daughter will." Aizawa replied his cold words holding some warmth as he spoke about his daughter. Within a few seconds Dylan was dragging a struggling Dafydd as Morgan just simply admired the view as he spoke with Midnight about the different languages he had learnt while the boys travelled across Europe and Asia.

The classroom was full of hushed whispers as the teachers walked in. Kendo was the first to speak. "Midnight sensei you knew about them didn't you? The way you just casually went to grab Morasper of Wave when they struggled up the stairs. And it was obvious that Aizawa knew since he is known for putting himself before his students yet as soon as they ran in he didn't complain. So I guess we would all like to know. Why did you allow them in this school and why aren't they in prison?" She finished the teachers heads hung in shame as they realised how easily they made their connection to the villains known. "W-" Aizawa started. Interrupted instantly by the door opening. The trio walked through all of their faces unusually serious as they stared holes into the class. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU FUCKING CRETINS GO BACK TO THE FUCKING STREETS YOU HOMELESS BASTARDS!" Bakugo shouted walking up to the boys his palm glowing orange. "Bakugo sit back down. Talk it out before you start throwing your explosions everywhere." Aizawa said negating Bakugo's quirk as the boy turned around to face him before sitting down. "Thank you." The class fell silent again nobody wanting to break this tension. Finally a student spoke, "It might be smart to hear these guys out, we are accusing them of being villains yet we all could see the only way to stop them Nomu was to kill them. I guess we could here them out and then see what we think of them." Shihai suggested. Gesturing for the guys at the front to start speaking.
"Wait. Just before that I have a question that has been bugging me like crazy since the cause of it happened." Setsuna said her hands folding over each other in anticipation as she spoke. "So basically Morgan asked me 'Do you learn about the catastrophe called World War 2 these days?'  like it's fine to ask if we learn about it since he might have went to different school but why say these days? Like are you from a different time period or something?" The class pondered her declaration. The trio began to get nervous. They didn't really want anyone to know their past since they didn't want to remember the terrors of the mechanical dinosaurs. Morgan spoke in a calm voice. "Sit down and enjoy a small story of our backstory. Be warned this is alot more gruesome then you think and also save all the questions till later." The class and the teachers sat down, the suspense strapping them in as Morgan begun telling the story of the freeze all the way until they met oRevi and got sent here to UA. Leaving out the part about sending the other 3 people on his team to UA before they joined.
"And so that's how we ended up on this place." Morgan finished. Everybody sat completely still as they realised that these boys weren't always so cold, so cruel. Dafydd and Dylan looked over to each other before nodding slowly as they asked. "So any questions?" Almost everybody's hands rose. Everybody had a different expression on their face: pity, anger, understanding, sadness or just straight up boredom. Dafydd took Shihai's question first. "You say you need to kill to stay alive and to regenerate yet why didn't you need to kill before or right after you got your quirk? Checkmate you murderer." Half the class started smirking thinking they had Dafydd trapped.
"Okay, good question. So from what I've heard people unlock or make  their quirks genetically visible when they are 4 or 5 normally. Yet not all of them can use that quirk instantly. I reckon what happened was after I got a taste for killing after finishing that robot the quirk activated since I knew what it was like to watch something's life disappear. I don't really know, my palms burned for a long time after killing that thing it felt like my hands were made out of paper with how easily they got cut. This pain continued until we ran into that group of survivors and when they tried to attack us for our food and shelter I lunged out and grabbed the neck of one they fell to the floor instantly. The pain subsided instantly and I pieced together what I needed to do and eventually became desensitised to death and killing and eventually found a type of fun and entertainment in the act of murder. And so here we are now with gloves the only things protecting you lot from death. Since all five of my fingers need to be touching some sort of bare skin in order for it to work. Does that answer the question?" The room was silent as they once again questioned the morals of the vigilante/villain Wavereaper.
"You just admitted your a villain. You find pleasure in murder? Hah you just gave us something to use against you. To hate you for. Are you stupid? Your just a murderer, your friends might not be but you definitely are." Denki said pointing out the fault within Dafydd's defence. The class was split into the ones that were celebrating this difference and the ones that pitied this boy who can't survive without being called a villain, who can't survive without killing others. "No you are fucking dumb Denki, in this world heroes are legally allowed to kill villains. Yes. Well we only kill villains yet we don't have hero licenses so people refer to our kind as vigilantes. Vi-gi-lan-tes get it right or you'll be the next victim. We are no worse then some heroes so start understanding some of this shit." Dylan said defending Dafydd as powerfully as the attack. Dylan moved along before answering Mina's question. "So are you guys like biologically 16 years old with how much you have aged but in reality your like 100 plus years old." The whole class went silent as that weird thought entered their heads. "Right anyway my proper question. What happened to Amythest and Ieuan and Ollie since your the only ones left here and they would've joined UA with you. Wouldn't they?" A sombre mood fell on the trios face as Dylan spoke in a quiet mourning tone. "The 3 of them died. When we went on a mission after finding oRevi we came back to see them dead small notes placed on each of their corpses. The notes were covered in too much blood so we couldn't read them." Amythest opened her mouth about to shout the truth when she was shut down by a shadow closing her mouth as the 3 boys shot heavy glances at her so she could keep her mouth shut and stay out of this predicament, the teachers understood what the boys were doing and didn't say a word. "Oh I'm sorry I asked. That must have been quite hard to go through."
"Let's leave the subject."
"ENOUGH FUCKING CRYING BITCH, A FUCKING VILLAIN IS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME" Bakugo shouted shoving oRevi out his seat towards the front of the room. oRevi didn't say a word he just wandered to the front next to his friends. Eventually he let out a sigh. "You got me." The cyborg said sarcastically. Obviously annoyed he is now another target of the classes hatred.
"Right does anyone else have any relevant questions? Other then what's gonna happen next?" Aizawa asked his voice empty of all emotion as he tried to not give away his side on this argument. The classes hands went down. Anxious to hear what would happen to the lawbreakers in front of them. SQQQUUUUEEEAAAKKKEEE!!! The door opened slowly yet nobody walked in. Until they heard a voice "Hello students hehehhe." A little voice spoke from below the height of 4ft. Everybody looked down. And in their sights were a human-like mouse. The small being was wearing a shirt and tie with a small observing smile. "Hi, I'm the principal of this school, Nezu, and I have the responsibility of deciding what happens to these children. And my decision is to allow them to stay at this school regardless of how many students disagree to this decision." Bakugou and his group of friends began to groan and grunt as they heard this decision. "Now for a show of hands. Which of you are willing to stay friends with these people?" Only 4 hands went up: Touka, Mayumi, Reiko and Monoma. Amythest's hand was half up and half down unsure if she should admit to being their friend regardless of their efforts to keep their companionship secret. "So then I take it you others aren't prepared to forgive actions that might not have been the right ones but they were necessary. But that doesn't matter, your opinions are just as justifiable as their actions. Now onto more important matters then this pathetic discord. The sport festival will begin on the friday next week. That will give you 8 days to train including tonight until you will be up against the whole school competing for 1st place." Principal Nezu announced. Instantly the whole mood in the class changed to one of anticipation and excitement as they bared their quirks.
"Does this mean that the villains are going to participate aswell?" Said Denki.
"Yes they will be competing and I can't waaaiiiit to see how they perform." Midnight seemingly moaned her sadistic tone heavily obvious in her voice. The class released even more groans as the principal walked out the room back to his office. The teachers took their positions at the front of the class and took attendance.

It wasn't long before the whole school knew about the villains I class 1-A. And soon a tsunami of hatred was targeted to the 'villains' and their sympathisers. 

HIII i will start work on the next part immediately sorry if this one is a bit shorter and kinda cliche but i wanted it to happen so.

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