Chapter 8

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Two week later

Daniels POV

It's been two weeks since we started going out so I planned something perfect for today so as we woke up  all happy until Tim walks in and goes "if I cant have you then no one can" and then points the gun at me that's was sky gets in front of me and I try to move her out of the way but I was to late Tim had already pulled the trigger and she was shot in the chest I look down at her and scream "help mum please someone call 000 please" that's when Nina walks in and holds Tim down and Faith is on the phone and mums standing there crying and making sure Sky stays awake while I'm sitting there crying.

I look down at sky and go "sky please stay awake please I love u please stay awake" she looks at me and says "hey I love you I'll try to stay awake but daniel I'm starting to feel sleepy I want to sleep" I look look at her as she was about to go to sleep I go "no you cant sleep please stay awake please stay with me" but i was to late she had closed her eye's and I checked her pulse and there was still a pulse but it was slowing down I started to cry when the ambulance service came and took her to the hospital.

I look at tim and start yelling at him saying "why why couldnt you leave her alone you made the mistake not her and you lost her but no if you dont get what you want your never happy are you well you better f**king hope she is still alive cause if she isnt I will kill you myself"

Just after that the police got here and took him to the cop shop and me and the rest of the family went to the hospital Mum was already there my mother looked up at me and came over and hugged me and says "sssshe's in another coma".

Sarah POV

Noooo she's in another coma why can't people leave her alone I look up and there's Daniel and the rest of my family walking through the doors I get up and walk up to him and say "Sky's in another coma".

He breaks down and I then say "thank you for trying to save her she loves you I hope u know that" he nods and just cry's as Nina hugs him.I hate seeing people upset but Sky's mother and sisters and father couldn't come up but they know and are upset I just wish I could hug them right now but I can't I just want her to wake up already.

(Starting from before Sky got shot)

Nina's POV

So I'm just waking up and I smile because both my friend and brother a happy and that makes me happy but my happiness was short lived when I heard a gunshot I rushed in to where I thought it was and Daniels on the floor with Sky bleeding and I look at Tim and see he is holding a gun Daniel is shouting for someone to call 000.

I hold Tim until the police get here I look over at Daniel and his crying while Sky is passed out just then I heard the sirens and mum went to open the door the police grabbed Tim off me and the gun and the ambo's put Sky on the bed and pushed her out and mum followed and then said "I'll meet you guys at the hospital ok" we all nod and start to get ready.

*sorry its short im having a bit of a writers block will get back soon keep reading and voting*

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