Chapter 5

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 Tim’s POV

 So after I warned Ben to stay away from my girlfriend he left and we went inside and she stuff was already in my room and her bed replaced my old lounge and she says “finally a bed and not a lounge” I smile at her and just stare at her and her beauty and she’s like “stop staring at me it’s kind of creepy” I laugh and say “sorry just can’t help but look at you” she smiles at me and says “and why is that” I say “because you are so beautiful and smart”

 She just blushes and that’s when my mum calls for dinner and we ate dinner and then chatted until Sky was tired and then went to bed I sat there and watched her fall asleep happy that she is mine and no one else’s finally she’s so beautiful.

 Sky’s POV

 So the next day I woke up and saw Tim sleeping so I got up and went and started to make breakfast for everyone seeing as they are all still in bed so as I’m finishing the bacon I felt arms go around my waist and I turned around and smiled and said “morning babe have a good sleep” Tim looks at me and smiles and says “yes I did cause I had my girlfriend right next to me” I smiled and said “can you wake everyone up and say breakfast is almost ready please babe” he nodded and said “sure can babe”.

 As I finished making the eggs and sausage’s everyone was at the table ready to eat as I was putting the food on the table there was a knock at the door and I went to check who it was and it was my best friend savannah and she had a frown on her face I said “hey what’s up Savannah” she says “hey can I talk to you and Tim please” I go ok so I went and got Tim and she says “I’m pregnant I found out this morning and its Tim’s” I look at Tim and said “how can it be Tim’s babe he was with me” she looks at me and says “we had sex a month ago”

 I look at Tim for confirmation and he gave it to me when he looked at me and looked back down I ran off and started crying I got to a park and I just sat down and cried until I felt someone hug me and say “Sky we are sorry we didn’t know” I look at Samantha and Daniel and start to cry again as I cry into Samantha’s shirt.

 That’s when Faith, Nina, and Sarah came and said “Sky we are so sorry we honestly didn’t know that he did that” I look at them and say “guys that’s ok I believe and trust you I just didn’t think he would betray me like that look I’ll stay with you for a couple of weeks then I’ll find my own house ok” they all look behind me and I turn around and say “what do you want haven’t you done enough both of you” Tim looks at me and says “please babe I didn’t mean to we were drunk and things got out of hand” I go “it’s too late you did it and now she’s pregnant with your kid so please just leave me alone oh and you sleep on the lounge”

 We got back to the house and there was savannah standing there still I go up to her and slap her and say “I thought you were my friend but you aren’t cause a friend would not sleep with the other friends boyfriend even if the friend is in a coma god hope you both are happy with your selves cause you both have lost me and I’m never going to be friends with you guys again” I ran to my room and cried thats when Daniel walks and lays with me and cuddles me i said "what about Samantha wouldnt she get angry" he goes "she suggested i lay with you until you feel better and a asleep" i give him a weak smile and say "thank you" he smiles and just cuddles me.

I obverously fell asleep cause i woke up and got up and walked out to the lounge room and there was yelling and i walked out more and it was Tim and Daniel fighting.

*The next chapter be a little later as im planning a wedding and getting ready to move, also if you vote ill try and get the next chapter up earlier*

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