Chapter 6

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 Daniels POV

ugh I can’t believe my brother would do that to Sky she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that and I looked at Samantha and she says “go comfort her she needs it right now I understand just remember I love you” I go “ok I will be back when she falls asleep and I love you to babe” she smiles and pushes me towards Sky’s room and I walk in and lay next to her she’s hesitant at first but when I explain that it was Samantha’s idea she was fine and she fell asleep.

I got up and walked out and there was Tim sitting outside her door I go “what are you doing here she doesn’t want to talk to you” he goes “how would you know and why did you come out of her room” I go “Samantha said I should comfort her and I did and she told me before she fell asleep so get away from her door” he goes “no make me” so I did I pulled him by his shirt and pulled him out to the lounge room and mum goes “Daniel what’s happening”.

I say to her “he doesn’t understand that he has to leave Sky alone and he is being an a**hole” and sitting outside her door” our mother goes “Tim I’m so disappointed in you I thought you were better than this you know what I want you and the slut out of my house I no longer know who you are and you are no longer my son” Tim looks at mum and says “no I will not leave she can leave” that’s when I punched him and said “no that girl did nothing wrong and you did so just leave already”

 That’s when he started to hit me and I wasn’t going to deal with it so I hit him back and we started to fight that’s when I hear her say “Daniel stop he is not worth the fighting and Tim just leave you have a baby to look after now so just get over it” Tim goes “no this is my family you leave” I look at sky and say “no Sky you a now part of the family you did nothing he did and he should take responsibility for his actions so Tim leave before I make you leave”

Tim’s POV

Ugh I just lost the girl of my dreams and my family hate me all I can do is stand there looking at my family and think about what I did and wish I never did it I wish I never went to that stupid party and I wish I could rewind time and go back before then and fix what I broke as I look at Sky I say “I love you Sky always remember that please” she looks at me and says “if you loved me you wouldn’t have gotten her pregnant or even went to that party so please don’t say you love me when you don’t mean it” I walk out crying and I walk straight pasted savannah and keep walking she’s trying to catch up considering I already know where she lives I get there before she does and just cry.

Nina’s POV

Wow what an a**hole my brother is I look at Sky and go up and hugged her then everyone followed and hugged her and trying to comfort her I wish she didn’t have to go through this at all.

Sky is asleep on mum and I’m sitting outside thinking about what my brother did and I just wish I knew he went to a party cause then I could have stopped him from doing something stupid ugh why did god do that for i hate my brother so much.

Daniels POV

I look at Sky then I look at Samantha and she was crying I go “hey what’s wrong” Samantha looks at me and say’s “we need to talk privately” so we get up and go out the back and she starts talking and says “I think we need to break up” I go “why” she looks at me and says “well I see the way you look at sky and I know you love her more than me so why don’t you be there for her and I will always be your friend and same with her I am not angry that you love her more than me so be with her make her smile and keep her happy she needs it more than I do” I look at her and say “are you sure” she nods and walks back inside and says goodbye to everyone and then walks out I walk in and go straight to Sky cause she’s just woken up and says “Daniel please come with me” I follow her to her bedroom and she sits on the bed and says “come here and lay with me please Samantha told me what happened” I go lay next to her and fall asleep as she does the same thing.

Faith's POV

wow Daniel really just followed Sky in to her room and fell asleep next to her lol thats so cute. i walk outside to Nina to tell her and she's sitting there crying i go up to her and ask her "hey whats wrong sis" she looks at me and say's "i could have stopped Tim from doing something stupid If he had told me he was going to a party but he didnt say he was going to a party he said he was going out ugh i could have stopped him".

I look at my sister and say "its not your fault it's his fault ok he went to that party even knowing his girlfriend was in hospital ok so please stop crying cause she's going to be happy now daniels with her" she looks at me and say's "what do you mean by Daniels with her" i said "come and have a look" she gets up and follows me in  to Skys room and looks at the bed with a smile on her face.

we all sat there waiting for those two to wake up but they didnt so we went to bed.

*so i hope you like this chapter and like and comment*

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