Chapter 12

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Sky's POV

As I woke up I noticed that Daniel wasn't beside me so I got up I started to walk out when I heard Daniel talking to his mum and here is what I heard "mum I really like  her how do I ask her to marry me what if she isn't ready then what do I do" She then said "Sky likes you for you not anything else and I pretty sure she will say yes in a heart beat" I heard enough about that and decided that I will say yes and save him the trouble of making a fool of  himself.

So I walked out and said "YES" he looks at me and says "you heard all that I was going to make it special for you" I was like "I don't need it to be special I love you for you and I would have said yes either way you would have asked so yes I would love to marry you" he looks at me and smiles and then gets up and goes to our room and comes back out with a small box he then got on one knee and said "we have known each other longer then we have been dating but I really love you sky and I would love to spend the rest of my life in your arms and want to raise this kid with the girl of my dreams"

I smiled and said "yes omg I love you and I love our child" just as we stopped kissing we noticed his family was awake and watching they started to come and hug me and they were saying "welcome to the family" I looked at Daniel and he smiled at me mouthed "I love you" I mouthed back "I love you too"

after that we just sat there and spoke about wedding plans as I want to be married before I have this kid that's for sure so we thought maybe in three months so I wouldn't be that big and we could have a small backyard wedding with a few friends and family and I would go looking for dresses tomorrow.

So after that the door bell rang and I went and answered the do and said "haven't you done enough why cant you leave us alone" Savannah was at the door with her swollen belly and says "look i'm sorry sky I didn't mean for that to happen ok he came to the party cause he didn't actually love you and he was just using you for sex" I look at her and just as I was about to slap her Daniel comes out and says "savannah leave don't you think she is going through enough" she smiles and leaves I just stand there as Daniel stands in front of me and starts saying "don't listen to her you don't need either of them u have me and the family you have you family please don't listen to her"

I said "I wont I promise I love you Daniel so much I can wait for our bundle of joy to come cause then by then we will be married and I wont have to worry about any guy again cause I found the guy I want"

*sorry this is late had a lot going on and have had writers block for quite some time now sorry again*

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