Chapter 3

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Tim's POV

3 Months later

So it's been three months and she still hasn't woken up doctors a saying that they will have to turn the life support off soon if she doesn't wake up within the next two weeks which I'm not so happy about throughL. Daniel has are girlfriend her names Samantha she's really nice she even comes to the hospital when he goes cause now he lives with mum cause dad is letting him live with mum and then there is mums and his friendship it's going well.

As I enter the hospital and head to her room I hear talking I listen in to what the person is say "how are you today Sky" I then hear her voice say "I'm ok just wish I remember my life" I just sat there and waited til the doctor come out and he says "she's ok but try not to pressure her in to remembering you or any one ok" I nod and start to walk in and as I did she goes "hi" I go "hi my names Tim and we use to go to school together" she smiles and says "hi Tim we did I wish I could remember you your hot" she gives a very shy smile and I just sit there and smile back then my brother walks in and says "hey Tim how is she today".

I turn to him with are smile on my face and go "well look for yourself" he looks at her and she's sitting there shocked and she says "Hi you must have known me through school right" he looks at her and smiles and says "I also know you cause I'm Tim's younger brother" she laughs and says "really cause you both look different but you both are hot" she then smiles that really cute shy smile.

Me and Daniel look at each other than stared at her I go "so sky do you want to know a few things about your life or would you like to be left alone" she looks at me and says "can you please tell me some stuff please" I go "yea sure we can tell you some stuff" Daniel goes "what would you like to know first" she says "do I have a boyfriend" Daniel looks at me and says "I'll let Tim answer that one" I go "yea you do have a boyfriend" she goes "then why is he not here" I go "he is I'm your boyfriend Sky" she smiles and says "YAY I can't believe im dating such a hottie" me and Daniel laugh.

At that moment Daniels girlfriend walks in and says "Hey Tim and hey baby what's so funny" I go "well we were just explaining to Sky who her Boyfriend is and when we told her she says YAY I can't believe I'm dating such a Hottie" Samantha then looks at the bed and notices that Sky's awake and she goes "hi my names Samantha I'm Daniel's girlfriend" Sky goes "cool so we a both dating total Hottie's" Samantha starts laughing and says "yea you can say that we are aren't we".

Just at that moment her parents walk in and go "Hey Tim how is our daughter doing" I go "she's good actually she just can't remember anything" they look up at her and see that she is awake and goes "hey sweetie I'm your mum and this goof ball here is your father" Sky goes "hi mum hi dad I know Tim and Daniel and Samantha are telling me about who I am" her mum looks at me and smiles at me and says "thank you Tim" I go "no worries".

I then say "that's what a boyfriend does and plus I wanted to make sure that she remembered you when you came to visit" they smiled at me and her mother hugged me and said "thank you" her father came up and hugged me then said "if you plan on marrying her then you have my blessing" I look at her father and smile and say “well hopefully one day we will get married”

I look at Sky to see she’s fallen asleep we all smile and then her parents and my brother and his girlfriend leave so I then fall asleep next to her knowing that she is going to be ok.

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