Chapter 14

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Daniel's POV

I wake and I cant feel Sky there so I get up thinking that she is out in the kitchen as I get to the kitchen I hear crying I walk in and see my mum crying she looks up at me and then starts crying even more but I cant see Sky and I go "where is Sky" everyone comes and hugs me that's when I notice the ring I then start to cry and mum hands me a letter and I grab it and the ring and I go back to my room.

As I read the letter I start to cry she did this cause Tim made her feel like she had to she left cause she thought she was protecting us I cant help it I break down and I start to throw everything that's when Nina comes and hugs me and says "she wants us to forgive Tim but I don't think I can" I turn and I get up and get dressed and walk out the door and I go to where Tim lives and know on the door.

He opens the door and the first thing I do is punch him and then I yell at him saying "THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR DRIVING AWAY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE" he looks at me and says "your welcome can I come home now" I punch him again and I get shitty and I just punch him one more time and then I left and went back home.


its been eight months since I have seen Sky and I miss her so much she would have had the babe by now my birthday was yesterday god do I wish she was here right now.

As I was thinking that my sister comes in and says "hey Daniel how are you" I look at her and say "no better then yesterday unfortunately just wish she was here how is everyone else doing" she looks at me and then looks down and goes "not good either bro I wish we knew where she was I really miss her.

I get up and hug her and she leaves and I lay back on the bed I was just about to go to sleep when I felt the bed move.

Sky's POV

its been 8 months and tomorrow is Daniels birthday I wish I was there for him but at the same time I wish his son would come out already because all of these cravings I'm having are annoying but I also cant wait to meet him yes I found out the gender as I wanted to know what I was having so I can work on name the baby his names going to be Daniel junior Ward Martinez I chose that name because I always wanted to remember the love we both shared for each other.

So today well today is Daniels birthday I look at the photo I have of Daniel and I say "happy birthday babe hope you have a great day" that's when I felt my waters broke I picked up my hospital bag and drove to the hospital and it took 4 hours for me to have this baby he is worth every ounce of pain I was in he was created from true love plus now that I am holding him he looks like his father.

I've been in this hospital for 5 days and I have been thinking well I think its time for me to go back home and be with my family I cant stay away I miss him so much as soon as I get out of here I am going to pack up what I have and I'm going to go back to him and be happy with him because I am not happy here where I am now.

I was released from the hospital today and so was baby Daniel so I went to the hotel and started packing our stuff so we could go home I still have another 5 days here so I decided to go and stay with my uncle for a few days and hang out there so I hope in the car and I drive out to uncles house and lucky enough he is there and so I take baby Daniel out of the car and start walking up the stairs with my newborn baby that's when my Aunty opened the door and smiled and she went and held the baby I smiled and I looked at my uncle and said "thank you so much uncle for doing this for me I love you" he smiles and says "your welcome Sky I love you too"

So today is the last day so in the morning I packed everything in the car and then I went and showed Daniel junior where I used to go and then in the afternoon I went and did the 4 hours home.


I get to his place and I wait in the car and I look at my baby boy and say "are you ready to meet your father baby boy" I get out I then take Daniel out and I start to walk up the stairs and I knock on the door and everyone opens it except for Daniel I say "I'm sorry for believing everything that Tim and Savannah said I wish I could take it back I hope you can forgive me" they smile and hug me while saying that "they forgive me and that they want to hold the baby" I haven't told them the name yet I want that to be a surprise for everyone that means the father as well which is where I am heading right now.

The broken hearted girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora