Chapter 15

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Sky's POV

As I walk to his room I hear crying so I open the door very silently and thank the lord he wasn't facing the door I close the door and start getting on the bed and that's when he jumps and turns around and screams I calm him down and he goes "are you really here like for real" I smile and say "yea I am real Daniel I'm so sorry I guess I just let all my guilt take over and let myself believe everything Tim said I hope you can forgive me" I look down and just start crying expecting him to just start yelling at me but he didn't he just grabbed me and hugged me he wouldn't let me go.

I go "so you forgive me" he looks at me and says "of cause I forgive you how can I not you were doing what you thought you had to do but now your here and your here now" I go "thank you now would you like to meet your baby boy" he looks at me and then looks at my stomach and starts to nod very fast I start laughing and get up and tell him to follow me.

I walk out to the lounge room and looked at everyone just playing with Daniel Junior and I smile and go "Ok so I got Daniel out of the room" they look at me and smile and nod so I pick my baby up and start walking up to Daniel he smiles and says "he looks exactly like me what's his name" I smile and say "I know its cheesy and very original but its Daniel Junior Ward Martinez" Daniel looks at me and just walks up to me and hugs and kisses me and everyone is crying.

I then also say "well that's not the only thing he shares with his father" Daniel looks and me and says "what else is there" I go "lets sit down and ill tell you" so we pick up baby Daniel and sit on the ground  and everyone is sitting there and I put baby Daniel down and I go "not only does this cute little boy have the same name as his father I also have a little birthday gift for Daniel" so I hand his the present.

He opens it and just starts to cry everyone is wondering why he then looks at me and smiles and gets up and picks me up and just kisses me and says "My beautiful baby boy happens to have been born on my birthday so we share the same birthday as me" and shows them the birth certificate which was what I had wrapped up and given him.

Everyone started crying and getting up and hugging me and saying "thank you" I go "what's there to thank me for this little one wanted to come out on that day I guess he knew that he wanted to come out on his daddy's birthday" they all smile and look at myself and Daniel while we both are look at our son I look at Daniel and smile.

That's when there was a knock on the door I got up and answered it there stood Tim and I go "yes can we help you" he goes "oh so your back now" I'm like "yea I couldn't keep Daniel way from his child that wasn't really something I could do" everyone was behind me other then Daniel he was hiding our son.

Fiona goes "haven't you done enough first you say shit that makes Sky think she needs to be far away from us and now your here why" Tim looks at me and says "well it didn't work did it she's back isn't she" we had enough so we just shut the door in his face he cant get in they changed all the locked in the house so he can get in.

I walk to our room and find Daniel sitting there playing with our baby boy and I just stood there smiling and looked at our happy family moment and Daniel finally looks at me and says "thank you for being the most amazing mother out there and I hope you still want to wear this" he picks up baby Daniel and goes to the bedside table and gets the engagement ring out.

I smile and nod my head and say "yes ill wear it and why don't we just have a small wedding and just have it next week because I cant wait to be married to you because you are the person that I love and I will forever love you and our baby boy here and any other children we have".

*I wonder what his answer will be but you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out* 

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