Details about the characters and they how met

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...amber and Tara weren't a thing yet but of course they did had something going around with them two.
Chad and liv dated since 8th grade but they always went on and off. Mindy was just the watcher of the group she would half of the time just be watching horror movies, she was a huge fan of anime and horror theme and always been obsessed with serial killer documentaries. She was also the one who started this group, liv and Mindy been friends together since they were 10 but Mindy had a twin brother Chad who'd always made jokes and made people laugh he was always their for all of his friends, he was type of friend to choose his friends over anything else. Now Wes, Wes was really like a nerdy boy and very boring he was always scared to do anything fun because obviously his mom was a cop and plus his mom so overprotective over him, Wes liked Tara since 6th grade they only dated like once for 1 day which it was when they were little so it doesn't really count, but he knew that he couldn't do anything since amber liked her I mean it was pretty obvious she did, she was the type of person of "If I Can't Have Her No One Can" type of girl. now liv she was always making party's  at her house since her parents weren't really home she always made Tara go with her to get beer, liv had a fake ID which I don't know how she even got that from but she never got caught so that's the good part, Liv always made plans for the group and always made them have fun so she was like the joy that made us all group together, Tara and Liz have also been friends they were also very close just talking about girl stuff, Liz knew that Tara liked amber just by the way she looks at her but she was always to scared to say anything, now Tara, tara was a very shy person but once you get to know her she'll be very nice and caring, she never liked to say no to anyone she was always so stubborn and very emotional she'll overthink over the small things, her mom left her when she was 4 so she never had any memories with her, Tara's dad always was working or blacked out drunk, she thought she was the reason why her mom left she never knew why, whenever she was sad she'd call amber since her sister Sam was never home probably doing drugs or hanging out with her boyfriends, Tara really never had anyone to talk to she only had one person which was..amber, amber was always their for her no matter what she was very protective over her whenever anyone does anything to her as like if they were dating, Tara liked amber since 8th grade but she was scared that she wouldn't like her obviously amber liked her too but she was always waiting for the perfect time, they both almost kissed one Liz' party they were just talking, just them two until a random person from the party ran thru them amber was pretty mad she couldn't kiss her but she just waited for the moment, now amber, amber was very competitive and very mean she always had a soft spot for Tara of course, she was already friends with Chad and Wes since they met from a group partner thing for school and that's how they started to talk and since they were like kinda close. And after that the whole group just started to be more close and that's how they met.

I don't know about this 😭 hopefully you guys like it tell me if you want any changes.

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