Liz's party

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Amber 🔪
Chad 💪
Wes 🤠
Liz 🤓
Mindy 👽
Tara 😎

Liz🤓: so are you guys coming to the party?

All of the group: Yeahh.

Liz was waiting for all of them too come, Chad and Mindy were the first one to arrive, eventually the rest came with other people from school, not even 5 minutes in the party the house was a mess good thing it was a Friday, Chad and Liz were literally making out in the couch while Mindy was convincing Wes to take a shot, geez your such a bad Influence amber said, and your not Mindy said laughing, tara was already drinking, hey I don't think you should be drinking, You get drunk within 10 minutes amber said worried, I'll be ok don't worry tara said but obviously she was already drunk, looks like you now have to babysit her now mindy said laughing, amber just looked at her and didn't say anything, guys I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom tara said stumbling her way through, hey hold on let me help you amber said, okay hurry I gotta go really bad tara said laughing, amber finally took tara to the bathroom, amber turned around and faced the wall, tell me when your done amber said, tara begins to vomit on the toilet and herself, tara you got vomit all over you hold on I got a shirt in my car stay in Liz's room for right now okay amber said,
amber finally came back and went upstairs to Liz's room, she opened the door and saw tara laying in her the bed just counting her hands, amber started to laugh and locked the door in case someone tried to come in, here's my shirt since you have vomit all over you amber said, tara was a little sober, can you help me tara said, ...yeah of course amber said, amber was trying to take her shirt off but she was literally looking away so she couldn't see what she was doing.

You have to look at me in order to take my shirt off tara said, right amber said, now amber was taking tara shirt off, she was trying to not look at her body, amber thought in her head, she has really soft skin. Hey amber, tara looked at her in the eyes, yeah amber said, I really like you, your like the best person I ever met tara said smiling and crying, I know you don't mean it your drunk, it's okay tara amber said, continuing to put her shirt on her, tara just kept looking at her, amber leaned in for a hug, I really do mean it tara said crying, yeah I want to believe you amber said, that shirt is big on you amber said laughing, yeah but it still looks good on me tara said, your so adorable amber said smiling, tara and amber were both leaning in for a kiss until they hear a loud noise, *Gun shot* *People Screaming* what was that tara said scared, I don't know but we got to leave like right now amber said, but what about the others? Tara said, we can text them so we can get them but we have to go like right now amber said, amber started to open the window good thing it was a first floor but it was still a bit high, amber jumped first, tara looked scared to jump, come on I'll catch you amber said, tara jumped, shh you have to be quiet okay amber said looking at tara, amber was holding Tara's hand trying to sneak in the bushes to get in her car, they both went in and locked the cars, tara and amber both texted the group chat too see if they were okay,
Amber🔪: are you guys okay?
Tara😎: meet us at the front yard in ambers car.

They finally all came in the car together but......

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