Taras birthday

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Today is Tara birthday. Little does tara know that the friend group is going to make her a surprise party. Tara didn't really care it was her birthday since she never really celebrated it since her family where never there.
Tara point of view: tara just woken up it was Friday, she forgot that she had to finish some homework so then she's just got dressed and started on doing her work, then she got a call from amber. Hello tara said, happy birthday tara amber said, thank you amber your like the first person to say happy birthday to me tara said smiling, how about we go somewhere just you and me amber said, ( which was apart of the plan amber was trying to distract her from not going to her house so the group can decorate the house and get everything ready). Yeah that's sound nice tara said smiling. Okay I'll pick you up in 20 minutes be ready amber said. Where are we going? Tara said. It's a surprise you'll have to wait and see amber said. Okay I'll see you later then tara said. Soon after 20 minutes had passed. Amber has texted tara to come outside that she arrived. Tara was ready and so she went in the car. Happy birthday amber said reaching in for a hug but really she wanted a kiss. They both hugged, thank you tara said blushing. I got a gift for you but you'll have to wait until the end of the day amber said smiling. Ouu a surprise tara said. Amber took tara too the beach if was pretty nice outside not to cold or too hot, tara loves the beach but she doesn't like getting wet, she used to go here by herself or with amber whenever she was sad so it was a special place for her. We're here amber said looking at tara smiling. The beach tara said smiling. Yeah come on let's go amber said. They both go out and Tara went running to the sand, amber was smiling and laughing because Tara looked like a little kid having fun. You like it? Amber said to tara, yeah of course I do tara said smiling, they both say next to eachother in the sand feeling the breath of the air, it was empty so it was even better. How do you feel amber said laying down with Tara besides her. I feel good tara said. Amber turned to look at tara she was crying, hey wait why are you crying amber said confused. It's just that no one ever done something like this too me, it feels special tara said smiling. Well that's why I'm always here for you and the friend group amber said smiling. Tara was losing her breath from how much she was crying, she started to cough. Oh no I forgot my inhaler tara said worried. Amber took Something out of her pocket. Here I have this one for you. Handing it too tara. Why do you have a inhaler if you don't have asthma tara said. Because it's for you you never know just incase amber said smiling. Tara was so happy because she could spend time with amber on her birthday. They both stayed quiet, tara was looking at amber, she was leaning in, amber caught up too it and then Tara made the first move and kissed her. Thank you amber for everything tara said Hugging amber.

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