Halloween party

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They all went to the party many people with different costumes, (btw they are ghost face masks costumes so y'all know what probably coming next). The group started to go with other people Mindy was obviously delisting with the girls, Wes was with Chad talking to him with some other boys from the football team, Liz was with amber and Tara they were sitting in the backyard patio hey I'll be back I'm gonna get some drinks okay liz said smiling leaving, okay tara said smiling. Hey amber I think we need to talk ok tara said. Sure amber said, why are you mad at me tara said to amber. I'm not mad at why would I be amber said,.. is it because of the kiss tara said. No... amber said, look me and Liz never kissed I'm sorry I didn't think it would hurt you tara said, it's ok amber laughing, it's just kinda weird seeing someone you like kissing their best friend amber said. Yeah your right tara said laughing. After that a kid from the school who always played jokes, helppp helppp he said blood on his stomach he said, and then some other kid from the school said Hey we get your playing a joke on us, nice trick though he said laughing. After he started to run to another house after that a ghost face was chasing with a knife, everyone thought it was a joke since it was Halloween, that's looks a little too real amber said, yeah tara said,

Hey I'll be back I need to use the restroom tara said, okay amber said smiling, amber was on her phone scrolling on her 25 minutes have passed, amber started to worry because Tara was taking longer than usual, she went inside to look for her she checked all the restrooms only for the upstairs one she was pushing her way thru the stairs, move! Amber said, she  checked the bathroom she wasn't their amber was already getting worried, she called Tara's phone she heard it ring to the next door near the bathroom, she put her ear near the door, she heard nothing, she opened the door and saw a guy holding on to tara, let me gooo you freak!! Tara said mad, hey let go of her now amber said pushing him off, or else what your gonna bring your boyfriend to come and beat me up the guy said laughing, amber looked at him angry so then she punched him in the face, ohhh what the fuck is wrong with you and was about to hit amber, until ghostface jumped out the closet and stabbed the guy, tara screamed, come on come on let's go amber said grabbing Tara's hands so fast and running down the stairs they both went to hide in a bathroom and they locked the door, what are we gonna do tara said, i don't know yet but we have to look for the rest of the group,  yeah but how are gonna know who is the real ghost-face their so much dressed as it, we'll it's not our party and it will probably gonna target us if we leave to do our only choice is to stay here for right now amber said, they were both sitting on the ground facing each other, so what know I guess I'm stuck with you tara said smiling, you won't get rid of me that quick amber said laughing, ugh why does this have to be happening to us tara said frustrated, yeah amber said.

HELLOO people I kinda don't know what to write leave some ideas what can happen nextttt thank you for reading this :).

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