The babadook

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Amber is getting ready to go see tara, she was trying her hardest to impress her.

Amber arrived to Tara's house, she knocked on her door, she waited for her to open the door. She opened the door, heyy tara said, hello there amber said smiling , come in tara said, hey how about you go to my room and I'll get some snacks tara said.  Yeah I'll be waiting amber said, 15 minutes later past, finally tara went upstairs to her room, finallyyy what took you so long? Amber said laughing, sorry I was getting snacks tara said with all snacks she had in her arms,  so what movie do you wanna watch? Amber said, hmm what about the babadook? Tara, yeah let's watch it amber said smiling, tara was so into the movie she wouldn't even eat the food since the babadook was like her ultimate favorite movie of all time. Amber kept laughing at her because how she was so into it, amber grabbed the popcorn and started to throw it to tara, tara grabbed the candy and throwing at amber they were laughing and smiling, until tara threw a gummy worm at amber at her eye, OWW amber said grabbing her eye laughing, omg are you okay I'm sorry tara said about to reach for her eye to see if she was ok, until amber grabbed tara and started tickling her, that's pay back amber said laughing, stoopppp nooo, tara said laughing so hard with literal tears coming out her eyes, amber eventually stopped and layed next to tara, no one was speaking, they were just looking at the ceiling, not in a awkward way that they felt weird but it was just relaxing and comforting they at least stayed like that for few minutes and then started talking,

So it's just you by yourself? Amber asked. Yep...tara said . Have you talked to your sister? Amber asked, no and I don't plan to..tara said. Soo how many times have you watched the babadook? Amber said laughing, like 3 times.....50 times tara said laughing, they both turned around to see eachother laying down, tara kept looking at amber lips she couldn't control it, amber was just staring at her, and then now amber was leaning in and so was tara, they kissed, they were out of breath since they eventually started to make out they stopped and looked at eachother, your so pretty amber said looking at tara, tara was blushing so hard, she threw a pillow at amber, heyyy what was that for amber said smiling, I don't know tara said smiling, ohh shit it's already 12am, I gotta go okay amber said, wait.. tara said, yeah? Amber said, can you stay I'm kinda scared to be by myself since the killing incident that happened tara said, ohh.. yeah of course amber said smiling, amber was just watching tv, tara was falling asleep, they both went to sleep, *alarms goes on* amber was already awake getting ready, Tara just have woke up, hey wanna go to Liz party today? Amber said, yeah tara said smiling, I gotta go, my mom has been calling me to where I've been amber said laughing, oh my bad sorry for that tara said, it's all good amber said, BYEE amber tara said.

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