Needy kisses|Chaerji

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Fluff, slight smut
Yeji POV

I sat down on the couch and sighed, trying to relax a little after the long day of working. I'm so tired that I'd probably fall asleep if I lied down for a second or two.

My hand gently stroked up and down my stomach, trying to calm my nerves. My mind wandered to my precious girlfriend, Chaeryeong.

Speaking of my the devil, she's upstairs taking a shower. We both just got home from practice. She suggested to take a shower together, but I wanted to give her a little privacy, since she doesn't get any at all.

After letting my mind fly away for a few minutes, I heard the bathroom door open. Chaeryeong walked out and patted over to our bedroom. Without realizing, I smiled widely. How can someone be so cute, hot and beautiful at the same time?

"Baby, where's your hoodie that you bought last week?"

"The black one?"


I smiled even wider. She really enjoyed walking in my clothes because 'They're more comfortable than hers'. Not complaining though, she looks adorable.

"It's in the drawer. The left one from your side." I shouted back and looked at out bedroom door, waiting for her to come out. And after a few seconds, she did. The hoodie looked so big on her. It hung over her thighs, making it look like she had nothing underneath.

"Come here, pretty girl." I patted my lap and she smiled, walking over to me. Her wet hair fell over her shoulders, onto my hoodie.

Chaeryeong climbed onto my lap and straddled me, smiling slightly. Her hands slowly ran up and down my sides, making me shiver. "Are you tired?" She whispered softly, making my muscles relax. Her soft voice was so soothing.

I nodded slightly and letting out a soft sigh. My hand brushed through her hair, making small strands fall down on her forehead. She looked at me with doe eyes, pouting slightly. How cute can this girl get?

I chuckled and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you." I lingered a little and whispered, making her hum in response. I pulled away gently, staying close. She rubbed her nose against mine and giggled. "I love you too, baby."

I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth that she was radiating. Until I felt a pair of lips on mine. The kiss was gentle, yet hungry. Her soft, plump lips sucked on mine and pulled away, tugging on my bottom lip.

I opened my eyes to see her staring at me with an open mouth and sparkly eyes. I chuckled again, ready to say something but she kissed me again. Exactly the same as a moment ago.

First, her lips touched mine, sucking on my bottom lip and pulling away.

She kept doing it repeatedly until small moans escaped her mouth. "What was that cute little sound?" I whispered and grinned, seeing her cheeks redden slowly.

My fingertips ran up from her chest to her chin, tapping on it gently so she lifted her head. "Your moans turn me on." I winked and kissed her deeply, not pulling away this time. Her hands gripped on my shoulders, making me sigh in pleasure.

My lips moved feverishly against hers, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. It all felt so good, so good that I didn't even think about pulling away.

A soft, blissful sigh fell from her mouth. Her hands slowly slid down my arms, falling onto my forearms. Chaeryeong's hands gently slid along my forearm to my hand, grabbing the back and pressing my palms to her soft stomach. Her waist was so tiny, so nice to hold.

I pulled away and gasped for air. "Damn...I'd really love to touch you where no one else can." The words slipped from my lips unintentionally seductively, making a small moan escape hers.

"You know that I'd love you to touch me like that, but..." She bit her lip hesitantly, looking away from me. I sat up, gently repositioning her. "Something wrong?" I whispered quietly and cupped her cheek, making her look at me again. Chaeryeong shook her head.

"I got my period."

I whined softly and wrapped my arms around her. "Any cramps yet?" My hand went up to her hair, stroking it carefully. My other hand slowly rubbed her hypogastrium, hoping that my touch would make it better. She nodded sightly and pouted. "Only a little."


Chaeryeong rested her head on her pillow, soft snores falling from her lips. My fingertips caressed her back lightly, leaving small, tingly touches. The moonlight shined trough the window, falling onto her bare back. A smile crept up my face. How beautiful can a human being be?

"I love you, Chaery. More than you know."

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