Stupid crop top|Ryeji

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Kind of smut (?)
Yeji pov

Me and Ryujin decided to meet at the mall today. She was whining for the last few days about it, so I just went along. It's been a while since I went out with her.

The weather outside was nice, too. No clouds at all and blue sky. A perfect date to go on a picnic date or something.

I gathered all my stuff, put my shoes on and walked out the door, waving at Hongsam and Insam. They barked  and wagged their tails in excitement, thinking that I'll take them on a walk.

A smile tugged on my lips, smelling flowers and a warm breeze hit my face. Spring...

I reached for my car keys in my pocket and unlocked the car, quickly getting in and starting it before driving away. My phone light up and I glanced at it. But instead of looking at the message, I looked at the time and gasped softly.

I'm supposed to be there in a few minutes. Dang it.

I sighed and sped up a little. I didn't want to be late. That would be not nice to Ryujin.

Without realizing I drove all the way to the mall with a pouty face. "How long has she been waiting?" I muttered to myself and turned the engine off. Someone honked at me, making me flinch. I got out of the car, frowning a little.

A man rolled down his window and smiled creepily. "Is there something wrong with your car? I can help."

I shook my head with a polite smile. "No, but thank you for asking. And if there was a problem, I could fix it on my own. Have a nice day, sir." I bowed and walked away. Do men still think that women know nothing about cars?

I stepped in the elevator and got to the square where Ryujin and I were supposed to meet. But then I saw her. A small girl sitting on the bench with her legs hanging down. "Ryujinnie!" I shouted and waved.

She looked up confusedly with a lollipop in her mouth. But when she noticed me, she smiled so widely that it almost fell out. "Yeji!" She waddled over to me and ran into my arms, immediately wrapping hers around my ribcage, resting her head on my breasts.

"How are you?" She looked at me, pulling away and putting her hands in her hoodie pocket. I looked down for a second, smiling wider than ever before. "I'm doing great. How about you?" My smile dropped a bit because my cheeks hurt so much.

She nodded and muttered a "Same." before looking around and then back at me. "Where do you want to go first?"

I smirked suggestively, and she immediately knew where we were heading. With a smirk plastered on her face, she laughed and took my hand.

It was 13:23 and Ryujin started whining again. But this time because she was hungry. "Why do you always whine your way out of something?" I chuckled and took all the bags we had, stepping in the elevator with her. She just shrugged and chuckled. Her smile never dropped.

We were planning on putting all the bags we had with us in my car and then go back up, to eat something and go on with our wallet-hurting adventure. It's not like we didn't have much, but I bet that we will spend more than $2,000.

Ryujin opened the trunk and helped me get all the stuff inside. The smaller took her hoodie off, revealing a quite tempting crop top. I felt slightly protective but decided to smile it off. "It looks good on you." I smiled widely and rubbed her arm, closing the trunk.

She smiled back and chuckled. Her chuckle sounded like birds chirping at 8:30 AM in the summer. Just perfect and contagious. "Thanks. Let's go back, I'm hungry." Her soft hand cupped mine, intertwining out fingers. She pulled me to the elevator and we got back up to the main square.

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