Chapter 2

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Cherry's p.o.v

After making some breakfast, I go into the bathroom for a shower. I sigh to myself as I get ready. I put on some baggy jeans with a loose tee and head out. Once I reach Ash's apartment, I knock three times.

The door opens to reveal a shirtless Ash with a messy bedhead.

''Why are you here so early in the morning?'' he asks annoyed. I walk past him into the apartment. Sitting on the couch, I lay my legs on the coffee table and stare at the ceiling.

''Hand me the drug and I'll get going.''

The blond disappears into his room to get a shirt and then hands me the drug that he stored away in the drawer. I spend some time examining it before putting it away in my pocket. I get up and make my way to the front door.

''You got your gun?'' asked Ash while my hand was on the handle of the door. I shook my head no. I prefer fighting with knives and blades instead of a gun. Call me sick, but the sound of metal on flesh gives me a sense of calm. Puncturing the skin with a blade and feeling the splash of blood is satisfying for me. While replaying the flashbacks of the countless numbers of people who have died from my hand, I walk out of the door.

Ash pulls me back by my tee and sticks a gun into the waistband of my jeans. ''I prefer a good old blade than some bullet spitting machine''

He pushed me out of his apartment while saying, ''Shut up and take it''. I stared at the door for a while when it slammed in my face and then made my way to the elevator.


''What's up Doc? Looks like you're pretty busy these days. Being an alley doctor must pay you good huh'', I say while spinning on the chair in his office.

''The meds are on the counter over there. Take them and get out of my hair'', Doctor Meredith states.

''I'm not here for that. I've got a job for you'', I pass the drug over. ''I want to know what drug this is. It doesn't look like anything I know of''


He takes a small pinch of the drug and examines it. ''It doesn't look like Heroin. I'll take a look at it when I'm free.''

''Thanks, doc. Guess I'll take the meds with me since I came all this way''. I grab the medication packets on the counter, nod at the nurse and make my way back to the apartment.

On my way, my phone buzzes. I take it out and answer the call.

''Where are you?'' asked Ash

''I'm on my way home.''

''You gave the sample?''

''Yea.'' I talk with Ash while I cross the busy streets of New York City.

''Attitude much?'' I can almost see him rolling his eyes on the other end. ''Yea. Tell me where to meet you.''

''I'm actually on my way to see Dino. I'll head straight to the bar when I'm done.''


A few seconds pass without either of us saying a word. ''Be careful, Aslan''.

Before I hang up I could hear his irritated voice saying, ''Don't call me Aslan!'' I smile at that, change my routes and head for the bar.

I push open the door of the bar to reveal it packed with people. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I hate people.


I look ahead to see Skipper waving his hand at me, motioning to come over. I walk to him and pull my gun out, placing it on the table before sitting down. ''Want something to drink?'' he asks.

𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫 (an Ash Lynx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now