Chapter 8

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Cherry's p.o.v

I walk on the streets of Chinatown with Ash. Ash exchanged his clothes with Eiji. I got some spare clothes from Shorter's sister. Ash has gone a hat on to cover his blond hair.

He leads me to the nearest convenience store. I start to grab a few necessities like body wash and toothpaste. I linger over one section, running through the things I might need while staying at Shorter's. I wasn't aware of where I was until I heard Ash let out a sound of surprise. I look over to him to see his mouth hanging open.

''What is it?'' I ask worriedly.

''Why..'', he pointed at the product in front of me, ''why do you need that?!''

I follow his pointed finger to the product. It was a whole rack of pregnancy tests. I smirk at him, playfully choose one and continue walking down the aisle. He catches up with me a few moments later.

''Are you pregnant?'', he whispered into my ear.

''I may be'', I reply while laying out my things on the counter. The cashier moves her eyes to Ash and me when she scans the pregnancy test. I felt a hot rush go through my veins.

She thinks...Ash and I....her thoughts...

I felt a pang in my stomach but didn't let it show. Ash, however, started fidgeting behind me, trying to form a proper explanation for the cashier. I hung my head down low and slammed the cash on the counter before dragging Ash out of there with the items I bought.


''Ash, you can stop now. The cashier lady is a mile away''. He clears his throat coming to silence.

''What, you hate the idea of having sex with me that much?'', I asked while laughing. He stopped in his tracks and pulled me back.

''What? Did you spot one of Dino's men? Charlie maybe?'', I look around hastily, scanning the faces of the crowd on the streets.

Ash turns me around to make me look at him, ''That's actually a great idea. Let's put the idea to action, shall we?''

I look at him dumbstruck. He drags me forward, ''oh, look there's a nice and cosy motel. This should do''.

He drags me towards it.

''You dumbass. Let me go!'', I yanked my arm away from his grip and started walking back to Shorter's. I heard him chuckle as he ran up to catch me.''Let me take those'', he took the shopping bag away from me; we walked back together.

''Hey guyssss'', I call out while taking my shoes off.

Eiji comes running to see what I bought. He takes some snacks and settles onto the couch. 

''Hey, save some for me''.

I jump on the couch and munch on snacks while Ash carries the rest of the bags into the kitchen. He throws the pregnancy test at me.

''Did you guys get anything to drink?'' asks Shorter as he makes his way to the couch.

'' that a pregnancy test? Cool! I've always wanted to try one!!'', yelled Shorter in excitement. Eiji and I broke into laughter while Shorter unboxes the product.

Ash comes over, ''Hey. Shorter hands-off. Cherry needs that test more than you''. I roll my eyes at him. Eiji looks at Ash and me, stunned.

''Is that what happened in the morning when I walked in on you two?'' asks Eiji while blushing.

I gape at him.

''Ooooh, what happened between Ash and Cherry?'', asks Shorter as he waves the test in front of me.

''It's not like that!'', I protest while trying to snatch the test away from Shorter.

''Why is Ash keeping quiet?'' says Shorter while prodding at him with the pregnancy test teasingly.

''Did something happen between you two?''

I wait for Ash to deny it, but he just smirks and says, ''What happens between us, stays between us''. With that, he walked away, leaving me being the victim to Eiji and Shorter's teasing.

----Time skip to two days ----

''It looks like a typical restaurant from the outside'', Shorter stated while looking through the binoculars. We were on the roof of a building opposite Club Cod. After scanning the scene in front of the restaurant, we head back down.

We load our weapons and make sure they're working properly.

''Okay everyone. Be safe'', I say. They all nod at me.

''Let's go'', says Ash.

We hop onto the truck, taking our positions. I sit at the front next to Shorter and Eiji. I pull the windows down and aim my gun at the street in front of me. Once we get closer to the Club, we see Golzine getting out of a black car. I fire at the two guards in front of him, making them fall to the floor dead and bloody.

''Ash!, you want me out of the picture that bad?!'', yells Dino

''DINO!'', screams Ash while he gets ready to fire. But instead of one shot, I hear two and heard a thud from above.

Ash got shot

I quickly open the door of the truck to get a wider range. I dangle out of the moving truck and fire at the guards who try to draw their weapons out. Despite the moving truck, I try to climb up to the top. I see Ash, his shoulder was bleeding.

I screamed out Ash's name as our hands reached out to hold each other. From my peripheral vision, I saw Arthur by the window of a random building. He had a snipper with him. He blew me a kiss and the snipper fired another shot. He hit me in the waist.

I gasp in disbelief and pain as I dropped down. Another bullet and the truck starts skidding out of control. Ash grabs me and holds onto me until the truck comes to a stop. ''We have to get out of here''.

He picked me up bridal style and jumped down from the truck. We hid behind rubble, trying to find a pause in the fight. From afar we spot Max and Ibe. ''ASH! CHERRY! THE RIVER!''

They dash off to the river. Ash pushes his gun into my hands. He pulls me to him and starts to sprint towards the river with me in his arms. I fire at Golzine's men, while Ash runs to the river. A shot they fired, grazed my forearm. I cry out in pain.

''Hold on, just hold on. We're almost there. I'm going to jump''.

Ash thrust himself off the bridge and we both dropped into the water.

And that's when I remembered that I don't know how to swim

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