Chapter 11

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Cherry's p.o.v

''H-hey! This is the man who shot Griffin!'', yelled Eji. Everyone ran over to look at the photo album in Eji's hands. Ash remained in a corner.

''Eji, are you positive?'', asked Max.

''Yes. I remember clearly. Do you know him?''

''I'm not sure, but this was the unit Griffin was in before we met'', said Max, ''There should be a list of names, right? Let's see....''

I read through the names shown in the album, along with Max.

''Abraham Dawson. He lives in LA, California, 102, 42, Westwood''

Ash set down a photo frame that contained a picture of him and Griffin when they were kids. ''That's the address the man told me before handing the necklace'', said Ash.

I tried to judge what he was feeling by looking at the expression on his face. He just looked blank.

''Let's go to the address and see what we can find', I said while grabbing the backpack that I packed and slinging it over my shoulders.

''Woah, woah woah'', said Shorter while dragging me back from the handle of my backpack, ''It's too late and we're all tired. I say we go there first thing in the morning.''

''What? But what if Golzine's men find us here?'', I said. ''Ash! tell them that we need to leave right now''

''Yeah, come on, guys!! I want to find Abraham or whoever this asshole is and fucking blow his brains out'', said Ash angrily while slamming his hand on a table, which I assumed to be the desk Griffin used to study at.

''But I'm exhausted and I smell. I haven't even showered yet after Cherry here threw up on me'', exclaimed Max while pointing to his legs.

''Ohhhh, so that's why it smells all rotten in here'', said Shorter.

Max punched the side of Shorter's arm and they started arguing with each other.

''Guys, guys. CALM DOWN!!,'' yelled Ibe. ''We're all tired and the truck needs some fixing. We're also low on food so I say we spend the night here and leave first thing in the morning.''

Ash stormed out of the house. ''Where are you going?!'', I yelled while following him out.

''I'm going to get the blankets from the truck. Follow me and bring Eji'', yelled Ash back.


It was too cold to sleep in the truck outside. Ash didn't speak to anyone when he was getting ready for bed. After changing, I went into Griffin's room to look at the sleeping situation.

Everyone had laid blankets down on the floor. Max was sleeping on Griffin's bed. It seemed like the right thing to do, as he was the oldest and the one who had to drive to LA tomorrow. Ibe was lying on one blanket.

Eji and Shorter shared another blanket, and I assumed Ash was going to share too. I pulled the pillow I was carrying closer to me while I thought of where I was going to sleep.

''Hey Cherry. You're done showering?''

I looked behind me to see Ash. His hair was wet, and he was shirtless. His shoulder was still bandaged.

''Yea...I'm not sure where I'm supposed to sleep though'', I said nervously while clutching my pillow close to my chest.

He smiled softly and gave me an understanding look. It's not easy being the only girl here. Especially when it comes to showering and sleeping situations.

''Move'', said Ash while he pulled the blanket Eji and Shorter were lying on. ''Give the corner to Cherry. You guys can move closer to Ibe.''

Shorter groaned in his sleep but rolled over to give me more space.

Ash laid another blanket down, took the pillow from my hands, and made a little bed for me in the corner. Then he lay down on the other side.

''You're okay with me being on this side?" Ash whispered to me. I nodded while I lay down. I turned to my side to see Ash looking at me. ''Thank you'', I whispered back, closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes to see Ash sitting on the floor. The bandage on his shoulder was unwrapped, and he looked in pain.

''Ash'', I whisper while sitting up, ''what's wrong?''

His eyes go wide, ''Oh Cherry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep; I'm fine.''

''Does your shoulder hurt?''

Ash looks at me but doesn't say anything

''Wait right here''. I get up and carefully avoid the sleeping bodies as I make my way to my backpack. I packed a first-aid kit in there. I took out a pain relief tube and walked back to Ash.

''Take your shirt off''. Ash looked at me with a blank face. ''I-I can't help you with this because your tank is in the way''

He nods and takes his shirt off. I noticed he winced when he had to use his left arm.

''Turn around, I told him while unscrewing the cap of the tube.

I put some of the ointment on his shoulder. My hands hesitated in mid-air but I ignored my feelings and started rubbing the cream into his skin.

Ash let out a relieved sigh as I massaged his injured shoulder. I looked at the back of his head. His hair is so golden and shiny.

My eyes trail down to his neck and back.

''Red. Focus''

I jumped and realised I had stopped massaging his shoulder cause I was too distracted by his ripped back. I smacked his other shoulder slightly and continued to rub the ointment into his skin.

I patted his back when I was done and lay back on the blanket to go back to sleep.

I felt someone putting a blanket on top of me

''Ash? Don't you need this?''

''I'll be fine. You must be freezing''

I watched him as he lay on his pillow, his back facing me. He was lying on the wooden floor.

I pushed myself closer to the wall and gently pulled a strand of his golden hair, ''Goldie, come here. We can share a blanket''

Ash turned around to face me and smiled, ''You're sure red?''

I nodded

He moved his pillow closer to me and got under the blanket with me. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment. ''Thanks, Red. Sleep tight''

He closed his eyes so I couldn't see the green glow anymore. I turned around to face the wall.

I felt a hand snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to him. 

''Can I...?''

I nodded and scooted closer to him. ''Goodnight, Ash'', I said while drifting off to sleep in his arms.


A/N : Guys it's been so long I KNOW!! I've been so busy with uni but hey it's the end of the semester.

Do you guys like the dynamic of the reader with Ash? Is it too slow or fast? Let me know!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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