Chapter 10

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Cherry's p.o.v

We were in a truck heading for Boston, to Ash's home. It took a few days for us to recover from our injuries, but we couldn't waste any more time. I was in the front, along with Ash and Max.

Max started singing. 

''Shut up! Why do you keep repeating the same phrase over and over again?'' yells Ash.

''Sorry, I don't know the rest.''

Ash scoffed.

''A bit cranky? When was the last time you came home?''

He stayed silent, looking out of the window. His blond hair waved around him. ''Which way next?''

''The right!'', exclaimed Ash. Max started singing again, ''Shut up, damn it.''

Ash poked my side, ''Why are you so quiet?''

I was trying not to throw up. I usually don't have motion sickness, but Max's driving is just...I put a hand over my mouth, ''I think I'm going to throw up.''

''HO HO, NOT IN MY TRUCK'', exclaimed Max.

''You suffer from motion sickness? If you told me I would've brought some pills''. Ash put a hand on my back.

''No, it's just the old man's reckless driving''

Ash clicked his tongue, ''I told you. You should've let me drive''.

''You're only 17 and besides, my driving is not that bad''

Just then, Max swerved unexpectedly and I couldn't push down the urge to throw up. ''Stop the car, stop it or I'm going to-''

''Do it over there'', cooed Ash while he pushed my head away from him. I ended up puking over Max's lap. He screamed like a little girl.

''MAX! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD'', yelled Ash. I could hear him trying to push down his laughter.

''You made her do that on purpose!'', accused Max. ''She could've put her head out of the window''.

''Fucking punk'', he said while trying to clean up the mess.

I lean my head against the dashboard and try to calm down. I felt dizzy. Max stopped the truck to take his pants off. ''Are you going to continue this journey pantless?'' asked Ash.

''Shut up''. He continued singing.

''This is kind of nice. If it's hot you guys can take your pants off. I swear it feels nice.''

''You okay?'' asked Ash

''I feel dizzy''

He gently pushed me onto his lap and I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. He caressed my cheek which helped me to go to sleep. When we got to our destination, we parked the car and hopped off.

''Oi, get up''

Shorter, Eiji and Ibe were sound asleep in the back of the truck. They shifted in their sleep. Ash pulled the curtain further.

''I said get up''

''Get your lazy asses up'', I say while tapping on Shorter's shoulder.

''My lazy ass hurts'', whined Shorter.

''What happened to your pants?'' asked Eiji

''She threw up on me'', replied Max while he admired the view. ''Um...I think you should stay inside the truck until we find you some extra pants'', said Ibe.

𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫 (an Ash Lynx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now