07 (YAOI)

4.9K 59 4

Ichiro Kanzaki (Seme)
Y/N Kanzaki (Uke)

8:30 p.m.

Inside the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department...

Chief Inspector Kanzaki was sitting on his desk, annoyed beyond limit as he and his team once again failed to obtain a solid evidence against the one and only Azuma Nakagawa. A prominent business tycoon besides being the most notorious drug lord in all of Tokyo currently.

Ichiro :

He let out a heavy sound of deep frustration as he tried to look through the photos for the umpteenth time today...trying to focus his eyes on the person with a black hoodie to observe his hidden face.

But no matter how many times he had tried, the result obtained from this was the same. Failure.

*SLAM! *

He angrily slammed a file full of photos on his desk which contained the same man with the black hoodie in all of them...whose face till now had not been revealed to anyone of them.

A few couple of officers present near Kanzaki's desk flinched slightly, as they feared the angry outburst of their senior officer on them.

But that never came, as Chief Inspector Kanzaki simply closed his eyes and massaged his temples while breathing deeply in order to calm his burning veins. He knew better than anyone that by diverting his anger on his subordinates is not going to solve anything.

One of his junior named Haruto timidly approached his desk and called out to him softly so as to not provoke him further.

Haruto :

Ichiro opened his eyes slowly and glared slightly at his subordinate, before speaking in a still anger-filled voice.

Ichiro :

The younger man suddenly started fidgeting as upon hearing the cold tone in his senior's voice made him lose his ability to talk. Ichiro's glare hardened as his patience started to run thin.

Ichiro :
Haruto i dont have the whole damn day. So speak up or get lost!

Haruto :
Ah...s-sorry sir!! I just wanted to say t-that...it is quite late already...y-you should head back home.

Ichiro glanced at the wall clock behind Haruto and noticed it is past his usual working hours in the station. But can you really blame him?

The court has given the time slot of 2 months to the police to find a solid evidence against Azuma's illegal business...otherwise they will pay a heavy price for their false accusation on such an important person.

But everytime they try to catch one of Azuma's men for interrogation, they either end up being mysteriously injured to such an extent that they can't even open their eyes let alone speak or they feign innocence of not being involved in his dirty side business.

Even the evidence found in the form of photos or videos also does not provide them much help. As most of them are either too blurry to be able to see clearly or straight up misleading.

Not to mention...Azuma also used his power and money to manipulate those people who promised to give statement against Azuma's darkside business.

Ichiro leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes momentarily while running his fingers through his smooth yet slightly ruffled black locks. He blew out a small sigh of irritation before opening his eyes once again and looking at his junior with a blank stare.

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