Chapter 1

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"Please." he whispers, blue eyes shining with tears.

"I'm sorry."

I close the door before the sobs hit.


I continue to cry, sobs wrack my body. I don't know how long it's been since he left. Justine suddenly bustles in, eyes shining with happiness,

"Oh you should've seen him, he's adorable and-" She stops abruptly and falls to her knees in front of me.

"Oh Carlie, what's wrong? What happened?" She asks soothingly, stroking my hair. I hiccup,

"Josh asked me on a date." I choke out, her eyebrows knit in confusion,

"What? So why are you crying?" She asks.

"Then Jake came in and gave this..." I hiccup again before continuing,

"This speech about... about how I taught him how to love and how he thinks I'm amazing and beautiful, I don't even know if he's lying! What am I supposed to do?" I sob, burying my face in my hands.

"Oh. I see." Justine gasps quietly.

"Justine, please, please, help me. I don't know what to do." I cry out.

"Of course I will, darling." She soothes, putting an arm around me. I close my eyes.

"Thank you, I don't know how I could live without you. You're like a big sister to me." I whisper. She smiles softly,

"No problem. You'll always be like my own little sister." I smile at her words. She stands up and hands me her hand,

"C'mon. Let's clean you up. We can talk about this boy problem of yours later." She says, pulling me onto my feet. I wipe at my eyes and nod, attempting to smile.

"Good." She smiles and pushes me into a chair.

"Maybe I should always wear waterproof mascara." I manage to joke.

"Yeah." She laughs.

"So, tell me about the baby." I suggest.

"Oh! He's the cutest little thing. My friend's name is Alexandra. The baby's name is Cody and he's just so adorable!" She giggles as she rambles on and fixes my makeup and hair. Sadly, we eventually come back to the topic of the princes.

"What should I do?" I ask.

"Well, go on the date with Prince Josh and maybe you'll like it." She advises.

"Yeah. Okay. But what do I do with Jake? I can't ignore him forever." I sigh in frustration.

"Try your best. Maybe when you're less upset you can talk to him, okay?"

"Okay." I smile slightly.

"Okay, you're all freshened up!" Justine declares, smiling. I spend the rest of the day in a corner at the library, needing to be alone, by myself to think.


I wake up the next morning, refreshed. Today, I'm going on a date with Josh. I mean, I'm not ecstatic, but I hope I don't ruin in. He later told me he would be picking me up after dinner.

After a normally delicious dinner, I return to my room to prepare. Andrea is here this time, she and Justine rotate to help me. I don't really need their help but they insist and I don't want to turn them away. I slip into a soft, knee length, golden dress that makes my hair look redder than it is. I wear my locket, like always and a thin gold bracelet. Andrea hands me a pair of half inch golden and black heels. I put them on and she does my hair and makeup. Soon enough, there's a series of knocks on my door. I smile slightly and open it,

"A little impatient, are we?" I tease lightly. He still blushes,

"I was nervous. And excited. Did I mention nervous?" He rambles slightly. I laugh,

"Yeah, you did, but really, treat me like any other girl. I'm not that special." I shrug. He reaches out and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, making me blush.

"I think you're special. Not like any girl I've ever seen before." This makes me blush even harder.

"People say I looked a lot like my mom." I say.

"Then your mom must be beautiful. I'd like to meet her sometime." I freeze at his words, making up a lie.

"Err that's not possible, she's really busy at work. It's hard to feed my family when we're eights." I sigh. I'm a pretty good actress...

"Oh umm..." he trails off and looks away.

"So...." I say awkwardly.

"Shall we?" He asks, brightening up.

"We shall." I smile and walk out of my room. He hands me his arm and I take it as we walk down the hall.

"So where are we going?" I ask curiously.

"It's a surprise." He replies, grinning. I smile and roll my eyes at him,

"Are you rolling your eyes at me?" he gasps, putting his free hand to his chest. I nod, giggling.

"You can't roll your eyes at me! I am the prince of Illea." he declares.

"Oh shut up, you only discovered that a week ago." I slap his arm playfully.

"A week and two days." He grins chivalrously. I roll my eyes again,

"Okay Prince Charming, let's go." He laughs and we reach a door. I raise an eyebrow at him and he pulls out a blindfold. A blindfold?

"It's a surprise." He reminds me as he ties it behind my head. I feel around for something to hold on to and come across his warm hand. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it lightly. We walk down a path... or paths, I don't know, I can't see. Finally, he takes off my blindfold. I look around, blinking. A secret garden. Josh had put up some lamps and it was... beautiful.

"Wow." I breathe.

"You like it?" He asks, hopefully.

"No. I don't like it." I shake my head. His face falls immediately.

"Uh that's okay, it doesn't really matter anyway-" I cut him off by hugging him.

"I love it." I smile and he hugs me back.

"Great." He smiles. He leads me over to a swing,

"Do you want to...?" He trails off, gesturing toward the swing.

"I'd love to." I sit down, slipping off my shoes. He grins and starts to push me lightly,

"C'mon, tell me you have more muscle than that! Higher!" I exclaim, he laughs and pushes me higher. Around 10 more minutes of swinging, we finally stop, breathless. He looks at me, the air that was so light and carefree 5 seconds ago turns tense. He leans forward, I do too and our lips touch. It's warm, soft, safe, reassuring... but wrong. I break away, and run out the door that I managed to find while I was swinging. I hear Josh calling after me, I ignore him. I run back to my room. No maids, they think I'm still on my date. Perfect. I slam the door, locking it as Josh knocks repeatedly, begging for an explanation. I start to cry, again, muffling my sobs in the pillows on my bed. There was nothing really wrong with the kiss, it just... wasn't with the right person. Not the right twin. Oh how am I going to look at either of them tomorrow?

A/N: So here is the first chapter, it's pretty long! If you haven't read Learn To Love, you might wanna do that first! Okay hope you enjoy this chapter! Comment you ship! #CAKE or #JOLIE!

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