Chapter 13

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Josh looks at me, a look of utter shock on his slightly tan face.

"You... When... What.... Say it again?" He rambles, flustered.

"I. Love. You." I whisper. It's true. I really, really do. I can't believe I never noticed that I did. I was always so caught up with the fact that Jake actually liked me, I never realized that I loved Josh.

"You do?" He mumbles, his face blank all of a sudden, which made me hesitant to speak again, so I nod. His face breaks into a warm smile, which makes me smile and he pulls me into another kiss. It's magical, the way his lips connect with mine. It feels right, and somehow, amongst all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changes, showing me a different door I could open, leading a different life with a different man. I can feel his heart racing, smell his cologne, taste the peppermint chapstick that he uses to cover up his slightly chapped lips. The kiss seems to last for days on no end, I smile against his minty lips and pull away, lost in his gentle blue eyes. What had I said before? Something about them being dull, I suppose. I see his eyes in a different light now, I see him in a different light. I'm done comparing him to Jake. Done. A smile graces my lips.

"I've never... Never thought I'd find someone like you." He whispers.

"Neither did I." I parody. He rests his head on my shoulder, his arms wrap around my waist.

"Wow." He murmurs. I blush bright red.

"What is it?" I stammer, suddenly anxious.

"No, no, don't fret, love. I just... You're so warm." He says softly. I trace the purple shadows beneath his eyes.

"You should rest." I murmur, pressing the faintest whisper of a kiss onto his smooth forehead, brushing away a stray strand of hair.

"Alright." He sighs sleepily and curls up on my bed, his arm splayed under the pillow. His eyes close, shutting away the pale blues. I smile, a real, genuine smile.

"I love you."

"As much as the sun loved the moon, so much he would die every night to let her breathe." Josh quotes. I gaze at him wistfully, smiling. His slim fingers reach up and caress my cheek softly before they fall and he sleeps soundly. I lay down next to him, inhaling his scent and playing with the little tendrils of dirty blonde peeking out. 

It's not until after dinner that Josh wakes up. He stretches for a while, eyes still closed, mumbling about something. I trail a finger down his right cheek, tracing his jawline. His eyes open slowly and I see the adoration and love in them.

"Hey." He whispers huskily, a bit of sleepiness laced into his tone.

"Hey." I murmur.

"I missed you."

"I dreamed about you." He responds quietly. I press my lips to his, leaning down, my fingers tangling themselves in his soft hair. He responds enthusiastically, flipping me over until I'm flat on the bed, my hair spread out in a wide fan across the pillow, his chest pressed against mine. Our lips move in sync, warmth spreading through my entire body, flooding me with a feeling so colossal and grand I could keel over.

Then it's just his breath.

My breath.

His breath.

My breath.

I don't realize we had stopped until he coughs. My eyes settle on him and I realize his eyes are bright, his face flushed and it's not because of our kiss.

"You're sick, Josh." I say gently, easing him onto my pillow once again.

"I- cough - am?" He says raspily.

"I'll go get you some soup and medicine, alright?" I kiss his forehead, a burning surface against my cooler lips. He is too sick to respond. How he got this sick so quickly I don't know. I cover him in blankets and rush to the kitchen.

I'm rustling around in the cabinets, searching for aspirin when my heart starts to beat quickly. I know who it is.

"So we meet again." The alluring voice is icy cold, almost unrecognizable. Almost as if he's a different person. I grab the aspirin and twirl around to find him a foot away from me.

"What do you want, Jake?" I press my lips together in a tight line.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. What's that for?" He nods towards the aspirin, the slightest bit of concern showing in his eyes.

"Your brother. He's sick. He's resting in my room at the moment. If you'll excuse me, I must bring him back some soup." I brush past him. Through the corner of my eyes, I see pain and jealousy slash across his beautiful face. He grabs my arm.

"You don't have to do anything for him." He seethes, spitting out 'him' like it was venom.

"Well, I don't have to listen to you." I shrug lightly and keep walking, pulling my arm away from his grasp.

"Listen to me! You ended what we had. Not me." He spits. I whirl around, anger radiating from my entire body.

"I ended this? Sure. I kissed your brother. But you pushed me away. You gave up. You didn't give me time to explain. You shut me out!" My last words echo through the kitchen. Jake starts to breathe heavily, his face slacken. I walk away, small tears slipping down my angrily flushed cheeks. I find a huge pot of soup, pour two bowls and bring them to my room along with a glass of water. I enter and Josh is thrashing around.

"Carlie! Carlie! Where are you?! I can't see! Oh god, I can't see!" I place everything down quickly and rush to his side in worry. I cup his face.

"Josh, Josh, I'm right here, love. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." Tears run down my cheeks.

"What's happening to me?" He whimpers.

"I don't know. C-can you walk?" I ask shakily. He shrugs. I ease him out of bed and somehow, we stumble our way to the infirmary. The doctor checks him over, him squeezing my hand tightly.

"Oh, dear lord." The doctor mutters.

"He's gone blind."



Learn To Trust (Sequel to Learn To Love)Where stories live. Discover now