Chapter 7

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I am waken up by a bumpy jolt. I open my eyes and look around.

"Where am-" I stop when I remember last night's events. Jake's warm blue eyes meet mine and he smiles softly. I reach out and cup his cheek with one hand. His own hand reaches to touch my fingers and he caresses them gently.

"I missed you so much..." He whispers. I smile,

"Me too." I murmur, I lean up and he leans down. Our lips are about to touch but suddenly I hear someone clear their throat. I shoot up and look around again. I forgot we had company. Josh glares at us, eyebrows creasing in anger.

"She's not only yours, brother." He growls. Jake clenches his fists,

"She's mine. I had her first." Jake retorts hotly, fury edged in the lines of his beautiful face.

"STOP." I exclaim. Both brothers turn to look at me. I glare at them.

"Look, you're both amazing men. But I'm not choosing him." I glance at Josh,

"Or you." I look at Jake. I hold my head up high.

"I'm choosing me."

The boys stop arguing and remain silent for the rest of the ride.


We arrive at the palace and I step out first. I whip my head around to face the brothers.

"I'll be retiring to my room. I'd like to be alone. Please." I add at the end. Jake exchanges a glare with Josh then turns back to me. Jake and Josh nod curtly.

"Of course." Jake says softly with a small smile.

"I'll be waiting." Josh grins and winks at me. Jake elbows him and I suppress a smile. They act like such... boys. Brothers. I walk up to the front door. 2 guards open it and suddenly I am mobbed. All the selected are here. Well, the 14 of us that are left. Rose, Allison, Aeris, Krista, Valerie, Uma, Emma, Isabelle, Cara, Lily, Celia, Melissa, Bella and I. The queen embraces me, tears glistening in her eyes.

"I can't believe you did that. You stupid, sweet girl." She scolds but it's grateful.

"I'm sorry." I laugh lightly as she lets go of me. Rose pounces on me,

"CARLIE!" She yells, rosy cheeked.

"Hey." I smile.

"Never, ever scare me like that again. Ever." She threatens playfully. I nod seriously,

"Yes, boss." Rose rolls her eyes and slaps my arm playfully. I yawn. I slept in the car but it wasn't much, maybe 20 minutes or so. Jake sees me and clears a path.

"Lady Carlie is exhausted from her... er... travels. She will be resting in her room." He slips an arm sneakily around my waist. Josh sends a deathly glare to him which he brushes off. He starts to walk me to my room. I roll my eyes playfully and slap his arm,

"You little sneak." I chastise.

"Just being the perfect little gentleman I always have been." He jokes and I smile. We reach my room and I open the door. Again, I am bombarded. This time, by Justine. She shrieks and grabs me into a big hug.

"Oh Carlie! We were all so worried! We thought you were dead!" She shudders and I hug her back.

"I'm fine. I'm right here and I'm fine." I soothe her. She nods and pulls away.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She announces. I smile and she leads me to the bathroom. I mouth to Jake: Bye. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. He nods and leaves, closing the door.

After the bath, I change into soft silk pajamas. I climb into bed, exhausted. Justine smiles,

"Do you want me to stay overnight?" She asks softly. I shake my head and smile,

"I'm okay. Thanks, it's really nice to see you" I reply. She smiles,

"I missed you. Good night" She leaves me alone. I curl up under the covers and start to write in my diary.

"Dear Diary,

I never expected the selection to be so... dramatic. Heck, I never even though I would get in. So, I was sleeping in my er 'prison cell' and Josh comes in. He tells me he wants to help me get out. I wasn't sure if I should believe him, well, would you? I mean, after all he did but Josh came through, he brought me back to the palace. He brought me home. The palace is my home. I'm exhausted, I'mgoing to go to bed.



I put away my diary and snuggle under the blankets. I close my eyes and fall asleep, smiling.


I wake up in the morning to Andrea's smiling face. I smile.

"Carlie! Oh you're awake! I was so worried when you were gone." She rambles.

"Well I'm awake. And hungry." I laugh with her.

"Okay. I'll have you ready in no time!" She exclaims, pulling me out of bed. I sit in a chair, patiently while she combs through my long brown hair. Then, she pulls it back neatly with a silver, long barrette. I stand up, admiring the look and Andrea hands me a purple dress that flares out near my ankles. I change in the bathroom and brush my teeth too. I walk out and Andrea holds out a pair of sparkly silver heels. I slip them on and clasp my locket around my neck. I smile,

"Thanks Andrea, and I'm really glad I'm back. I missed you, Justine and Christine so much." I smile but it turns into a frown when I see her flinch at Christine's name. Worry flashes through my head.

"What?! Andrea! Did Christine get worst?! Tell me!" I exclaim. Andrea hesitates before shaking her head.

"No. She's the same, not worst, not better." Andrea says tensely. I know she's lying but I don't push her any further. I sigh,

"Okay. I'll see you after breakfast" I say as I leave the room. As I walk down to the dining room, I pass two maids, gossiping.

"Christine...Lady Carlie...plague...dead..." They leave my sight and I hear no more.

But I've heard enough.


Learn To Trust (Sequel to Learn To Love)Where stories live. Discover now