Chapter 4

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I immediately flush red and climb out of the pool, tears already streaming down my cheeks.

"Wait, Carlie!" Jake calls out quickly, rushing out after me. I ignore him and grab the nearest towel I can find to cover up my scars. I start to run away, but Jake is faster and he catches me quickly, wrapping an arm around my waist. I struggle,

"Let me go, Jake." I mutter, squirming in his arms.

"No." He says firmly. He turns me around to face him. I look away. His finger brushes the tears away,

"Carlie, why are you running away?" Jake asks softly.

"Why? Why? Cause I'm embarrassed! They're just so... so ugly!" I exclaim. He sighs, as if exasperated.

"Carlie, they're not ugly. They're part of you. Anything a part of you is beautiful. Everything." He soothes quietly. I shake my head and try to wiggle out of his arms again unsuccessfully. Jake tilts my head up to look at him. The vibrant blue captures my attention immediately.

"You. Are. Beautiful. And I will say that as many times as you need until it sinks in. You. Are. Beauti-" I cut him off, smiling slightly.

"Okay, okay I get it. Fine. Now can we go?" I ask, frustrated. He shakes his head fiercely.

"No. I don't care if you think your scars are ugly, I think they just show how brave you really are." He says, looking at me. I sigh,

"Okay. Let's go... um back, I mean." I attempt a smile.

"Now where were we?" He asks, grinning. He knows. He definitely knows. Slowly, gently, his hand reaches out and cups my cheek. His arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to him. The spark, the connection that ties us together is lit ablaze. I kiss him passionately, wanting more, and to stay in this little world of perfection forever. His lips are soft and smooth as they kiss my own. Jake lets out a little sigh of happiness. I smile into the kiss, never wanting it to stop. Eventually I break away, breathless. I gaze up into his eyes. I will never be able to forget that blue. He smiles softly and my knees go wobbly. I stumble, almost falling into the pool. He grabs my arm right before I fall. I am pulled back up against his chest. I wrap my arms around him and stay there for a minute, listening to his heart pound quickly, and quicker still. Suddenly, I hear someone else's voice. I look up at Jake. He shrugs and we shuffle over to the door, spotting Josh and the queen. My eyes widen and I break away from his grasp. He raises an eyebrow. I sigh and shrug apologetically. Josh walks onto the pool deck along with the queen. They see us,

"Ah, Carlie! Jake!" The queen exclaims, surprised.

"Hello your-Kristen." I smile. She laughs softly.

"Hey Mom." Jake grins.

"Carlie. Jake." Josh looks a bit surprised to see us together. Why?

"Josh." Jake nods curtly. Has there been a fight between them?

"Well, Josh, honey, let's give these two privacy for their date, okay?" Kristen asks.

"Okay Mom." Josh replies mechanically. I raise an eyebrow at his strange behavior. Josh catches my raised eyebrow through the corner of his eye and shrugs. I sigh as they leave.

"Something wrong?" Jake asks.

"No, I'm okay." I smile a little and he grins.

"But honestly, I don't want to swim anymore. I still want to go on this day long date.." I trail off, looking at him.

"Are you worried? Of course it's still on." He laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, good." I smile though.

"Hey, and I've been wondering, where did you learn to swim?" He asks, blushing a little bit.

"Oh. My... my mom taught me when I was very little." I smile wistfully.

"I see. I'd love to meet her sometime, maybe." That's what Josh said. I flush red.

"Umyeahokaymaybe" I ramble in one quick breath. He raises and eyebrow but doesn't question me any further.

"So where would you like to go now?" He asks as we dry ourselves off.

"Mmm how about the library? It's amazing." I smile.

"Sure. I could use a little reading." He grins.

"Okay, great. Actually I have a question. Why... um.. why were you in the library, you know, I saw you there once but you kinda stormed away." I shrug.

"Oh it's nothing, I was er.. just kinda stressed and wanted to be alone but you appeared and I guess I was just kinda annoyed. Sorry though." He makes a face, as if remembering the time. I smile,

"It's okay." He grins,

"Any more questions?" He asks. I pause for a moment to think. Any more questions? No, I don't think so.. wait... I sigh,

"So yesterday, I saw you in the garden, remember? With Allison? And then she kissed you. You saw me and kissed her harder." I say softly, tears filling my eyes.

"Oh Carlie, I'm so sorry you had to see that. I-I just, I guess I was jealous because you went on a date with Josh, I guess I was still a little angry." He admits.

"Angry? About what?" I ask, confused.

"Well, you know, the speech that I gave you which you threw away..." He reminds me. My face falls,

"I-I'm sorry." I mumble.

"It's okay, I promise." He wraps his arms around me.

"Thanks." I murmur softly. He kisses my temples and straightens up,

"So... Library?" Jake asks.

"Library." I reply, smiling. We walk to the library together, hand in hand. He opens the door,

"Such a gentle man." I smile.

"Thank you mi lady." He grins. I pick up the first book I see,

"Suspended in time? Wanna read it?" I ask.

"Sure." Jake replies. He sits down on a couch and I do the same. I start to read,

"Th man in the black robe cackles -" I am cut off by a guard bursting into the library.

"Your majesty. You must go. There is a rebel attack going on."

Suddenly, the guard drops to his knees, dead. A rebel looks at us, smiling evilly.

"Hand over the girl, your majesty, or she dies." The queen is brought out.


Learn To Trust (Sequel to Learn To Love)Where stories live. Discover now