Chapter 3

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I freeze, in complete shock.

"What?" I ask, so quietly, he can barely hear.

"Would. You. Like. To. Go. On. A. Date. With. Me. For. The. Whole. Day." He pronounces each word carefully and slowly, as if I was a young child. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I'm not a child." I remind him. Why am I being so cold? I really, really like him... I think...

"Sorry." He mumbles, blushing and ashamed.

"Fine." I say simply.

"What?" he asks, looking confused.

"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." I explain, rolling my eyes again. He brightens up visibly.

"Great. Well, would you like to go now?" Jake asks, standing up.

"Yes." I smile, starting to go back to my old, love struck self.

"Awesome." He holds out his arm. I take it, smiling softly.

"Cool." I say, looking at him. His eyes lock with mine and I sigh happily. His eyes are such a beautiful, bright azure. He smiles again. I love that smile. I wave at Andrea, who by the way is giggling like a maniac.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask as we leave the room. We walk down the hall. Allison pops out, suddenly and spots us. I sigh.

"Hey Jake!" She calls out cheerfully, pointedly ignoring me. I roll my eyes at her and she cuts me a glare.

"Allison." He nods, trying to brush past her. She steps sideways, to block his path.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" She asks sweetly although I can hear the jealousy rippling through her fake voice.

"It doesn't matter to you, now does it?" He asks. Jake pushes past her, pulling me along. If looks could kill, Allison might've just shot a bullet to my heart.

"So... where are we going?" I ask again. He never answered the question, thanks to Allison's interruption.

"I don't actually know. I didn't plan it, I just suddenly wanted to go on a date with you." He shrugs, a light pink blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Oh. Well, we could go... swimming, I guess." I suggest.

"Sure. Okay. Cool. Yeah. Great. Yes. Awesome. Okay. Wait didn't I already say that?" He rambles and his blush deepens, he looks so cute I have to laugh.

"Okay. I'll go back and change. I'll meet you at the pool in ten minutes, okay?" I ask.

"Yes!" He exclaims and blushes again. Do I really make him blush that much? I laugh and let go of his arm. I smile at him and literally skip down back to my room. I walk in and Andrea stares at me.

"I thought you guys were going on a date for the whole day...? Are you okay? What happened?" She asks, concerned and confused.

"I'm fine. I just need to change. We're going swimming. We just decided that." I smile happily. Andrea lights up.

"I have the perfect swimsuit, actually I only have one." She shrugs and walks over to my never ending closet. Andrea rummages around for a minute or so before she comes up with a light blue bikini. I raise an eyebrow,

"Really?" I ask.

"It's all we have." She smiles mischievously. I sigh and she hands it to me, still smiling. I take it and walk to the bathroom, my bathroom, to change. I take off my dress and slip on the bikini. I pull my long, long, hair into a messy knot and walk out. Andrea is gone, she probably went to change shifts with Justine. I rummage through the closet and find a cover up. I slide it on too and put on some sandals. I walk out of my room and into the hallway. It takes me some time to find the pool, but I do, eventually. Jake is already there, his back is facing me. I smile and open the door. The door creaks a little and he whirls around quickly.

"Hey." I smile.

"H-hey" He stammers, looking me up and down. I blush profusely. MY eyes drop from his face to his chest. Wow. Wow. Wow. He has a freaking eight pack. How didn't I notice this in the infirmary? He blushes and grins when he sees me checking him out. Jake motions for me to take off the cover up. I pull it over my head and place it neatly on a pool chair.

"Do you know how to swim?" He asks, grinning even more.

"A little, yes." My mom used to take me to the pool to teach me how to swim. It stopped when she died.

"Well, I promise I won't let you drown." He says it in a light hearted, teasing way but I know there's more behind it.

"Thanks. My prince Charming." I tease and he laughs. I dip my big toe into the water, it's actually pretty warm. I slip into the water and sigh with happiness.

"So how are you?" Jake asks, sliding into the water.

"How am I? I'm okay.." I shrug.

"Is there anything I can do to help umm... make you feel happier?" He asks. I pause, Let me go back in time and say no to the date with your brother, I think to myself. I sigh and shake my head. A strand of hair falls in front of my eyes. He moves closer and I freeze. He reaches out, ever so slowly and tucks the strand of hair, ever so gently behind my ear. I smile sweetly up at him and his eyes soften into melting pools of blue. He leans in, hesitantly. I lean in a little too. We kiss. A spark, a spark that has been hidden for way, way too long lights up and bursts into flames. A smouldering heat surrounds us. My arms lock around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. He pulls me closer, so close until our bodies are pressed up against each other. Our lips move in sync. His hands snake up and down my back until suddenly, he freezes.

"Carlie, turn around. Please." He says softly. I do as he says, confused and a little disappointed. He gasps. Why? Then the realization hits me. My scars.


Learn To Trust (Sequel to Learn To Love)Where stories live. Discover now