Debunk That. No Seriously.

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Alright TW swearing and $u!c!d€ mention warning!

Seth POV:
9:58 PM
I walked out of that barn more scared then I've ever been in my entire life. I can't imagine how Y/n feels living here. Me and Y/n are walking a bit behind Josh, Sam and Colby when they whisper to me "Seth". "Mhm?" I whisper back. She stays silent.

"I- I don't know what that was." Y/n said. "I don't get scared easily but I'm terrified" they finish. "Ik scared too, I don't know how you live with that all the time" he says. "I'm glad I moved out, I couldn't deal with the spirits anymore" she says as we walk up the porch to her front door.

Everyone had already walked inside when I grabbed their shoulder. "Can we... talk for a second?" I ask when they turn around. "Yeah sure".

We sit on a swinging bench on their porch. "Debunk that. What just happened" I say. "I can't, even if that sound was just something falling then how did it get picked up after it fell when me and Isaac were in there?" She says. We both look back to the barn.

"Sometimes when I was younger I would go in there alone. Without William which I wasn't supposed to do" Explains y/n.

I slowly put my hand over theirs to comfort them. "There was this guy. Floating off the ground, he was a shadow" they said looking at me. "Floating off the ground? And who's Will?" I asked confused. "He's my older brother only older by a year, we were close not really anymore" she explained.

"It wasn't until a couple years ago I realized that he wasn't floating...he was hanged." She said as she got up. "We should go inside, the other guys are probably scared".

We head inside and lock the door on our way in.

"What was that?! No seriously debunk that shit!" Said Josh with his hands on the back of his head. "I don't know man maybe something just fell?" Suggested Sam cautiously. "No man there is no way something could've fell, there was no wind nothing" added Colby.

"Nothing fell, it was the same noise me and Isaac heard earlier meaning it couldn't have fallen over again since no one went back up there" y/n said.

Sam POV:
Y/n and Seth finally join us inside and join our conversation. "Ok well then let's go see what it was" said Josh. "No!" We all said including Y/n. "We can't are you insane? You're suicidal if you'd go back there" Said Seth from beside Y/n.

Y/n sighed. "Let's see if Isaac and Kayla have had anything go on with them in there" they suggest. We all agree and head up to find their siblings. "Isaac?!" They yelled. "What!" He yelled back from a room down the hall. "Bring Kayla and come down stairs!" She said back.

"...we're busy" he said. Ok that's strange. "What do you mean? What are you two doing?!" She said as she walked down and opened Kayla's door.

"What the actual fuck." Says Y/n.

Hey, I wouldn't go down there. {Seth Borden X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now