Nights In The Dark

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2:02 AM
I wake up in the middle of the night to a sudden noise outside my door. I sit up quickly and turn on my lamp. "Hello?" I question hesitantly. Nothing. "Is somebody there?" I try again. Nothing...then music. It sounded like an old music box, and I got that weird feeling I've heard it before but can't remember where.

I stand up out of my bed and walk towards the door slowly. I reach the door and twist the handle slowly. I open the door with a couple creaks and look outside my room. I hear it, but I can't see it. It's coming from down stairs. I turn to Seth and Josh's room which is right beside mine and find the door open but no one inside.

"Seth?...Josh?" I called to them to no avail. I walked into their room and found nothing, the bed looked like people had slept in it so they had to have gone somewhere. "No signs of struggle" I said as I left the room a bit scared.

"Sam, Colby?" I saw their room door was open as well. I looked in and found the same scene. I turned my attention back to the music still playing. "Guys?" I whisper yelled as I saw the kitchen light on. I walk down the hall to the stairs that over looked the kitchen and living room. I looked to the hall where Isaac, Kayla and our parents rooms where and saw their doors open as well.

I walk down the stairs and walk to the kitchen. I looked around and called their names again. "Kayla! Isaac?! Guys this isn't funny where are you?!" I yelled. I then saw the front door open with the music softly drifting inside as if it was moving further away from me. "...outside?" I said to myself. I slowly walked to the front door and peeked outside to see people walking towards the barn.

"GUYS!" I yell to them but the didn't even flinch, just kept walking towards the barn. I ran after them and stopped once I saw them going into the barn with stuff in their hands. What are they holding? What are they even doing? I continue to jog towards the barn and peek inside to see what they were doing.

The music box was in the middle of the floor...with everyone around it laying on the ground as if they fainted. "ISAAC KAYLA!" I yelled as I ran to them and the boys. "RUN-." I heard a loud whisper before everything went black and I woke up back in my bed.

I heard a soft knock at my door and jumped. I got up slowly and hesitantly grabbed my door handle. I waited a second to open it but when I did I saw Seth standing at my door wearing a black hoodie and grey sweat pants. "Seth, thank god" I said relived. "Can we talk for a minute? I can't fall asleep" he said.

I let him in and closed the door behind him. We both sat on my bed facing each other. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Don't tell the others" Seth started. "But...I think the moment in the basement really got to me" he stated. "Yeah I think the barn got to me...I just had a horrible nightmare" I said.

"...wait you did too?" Seth asked. "Yeah just now, what happened in yours?" I asked as I sat closer to him. "I woke up and none of you were in your rooms, then I heard something like a music box or something from the basement so I went down to check it out and saw..." he cut himself off. "What did you see?" I asked concerned. "Never mind, what happened in yours?" Seth change the subject which wasn't like him.

"Same start as yours, no one was in their rooms, I heard music, went downstairs to find the door open and saw you guys walking to the barn...I followed you and found you all passed out on the ground around a music box and before I could do anything something yelled in a whisper 'Run'." I stated.

"Let's go get the guys, this is weird and we need to know what's going on." Seth said so we went and woke up Josh first then Sam and Colby. We all met downstairs at the kitchen table. "Why did you guys wake us up?" Josh asked as he rubbed his eye and sat down. We explained to them what had happened while Sam groggily set up the camera.

"Hey guys um-" Sam said before he yawned. "Y/n and Seth just woke us up and told us the almost identical nightmares they had" Sam explained as he set the camera on a tripod at the end of the table while me and Seth sat on one said while Colby, Josh and Sam sat of the other. "That is weird...I think there's a lot going on here and I think we need to do some research before we do anything else" said Colby and we were all in agreement.

I started looking through my dads files room since he kept old records of property deeds, land owners, county history you name it. Most of the boys were looking online while me and Colby were looking through the files. "What are we looking for" Colby asked as we entered the room and were ready to get started. "Look for anything with the last name Y/l/n or (your address)" I stated as we both opened filing cabinets and started rifling through the papers.

" like Seth?" Colby abruptly asked with a smile on his face. "What makes you think that?" I asked looking towards him. "Are you kidding?" Colby asked in a tone indicating it was so obvious. "Seth putting his arm around you in the basement? Yeah I saw! And you two always sitting near each other. And how Seth went to you for his nightmare instead of Josh? It's so obvious!" He said as he smiled and turned to me. "...shut up" I said embarrassed.

"He likes you too" Colby said turning back to the files. "Wh-" I started before Colby interjected with "I found something.". He held up a folder with the title '(your address) Land Claim History'. "Let's go show everyone" I said and we exited the room and went back to the kitchen table. "We found something" Colby stated as we reached the table. "The land was first claimed in 1892 by a Sir Henry H. Harlston" He read.

"Henry?" I asked as the others soon came to the same realization. "He's the man in the basement...".

Hey, I wouldn't go down there. {Seth Borden X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now