SSS 2/22

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Colossians 2:4-9
Rooted Sermon

The only thing that can keep you grounded is the word of God.

Matthew 13:1-23
Some people don't understand the word of God. Their hearts are hard and the word doesn't enter them. (Path)
Some people are joyful when they hear the word. But their hearts aren't changed and they loose faith during tough times. For these people, the things of this world take priority over God—wealth, lust, sin. Some people don't backside physically, but they backslide in their heart. People don't trust God consistently. (Rocky ground)
Someone who accepts God's word in their heart and bear good fruit. (Good ground)

Some people have too many gods in their life.

A tree grows roots as it grows upward. Roots deliver water and minerals to the rest of the plant. These minerals allow the plant to bear fruit. Deep root systems allow plants to stay rooted during storms. "The deeper the roots, the greater the fruit." If kids witnessed insecure families during childhood, their root systems are damaged. You can deepen your root system by hiding God's word in your heart. Some people are large trees, but don't have good roots. Without healthy roots, they starve for the love of God.

People should make sure their spouses are saved before marriage instead of waiting until after marriage  to try to save them. Even if a husband is not a man of God, his wife still has to obey him.
Psalm 119:11
Hebrews 4:16
John 12:24-26
1 John 2:9-11
Jeremiah 17:7-8


People can get caught up on their desires instead of bearing good fruit.
John 15:16

John 15:1-2
It's God's job to prune branches that bear fruit, and cut off branches that don't bear fruit.
Understand the pruning process
During "pruning" the devil wants you to interpret it as God abandoning you. It is easy to have hindsight bias when looking at seasons of "pruning" such as Joseph's time in prison. It's much harder to trust God when you're in a wrongly interpreted season.
Stay connected to the vine
You have to be around godly people around you to prevent the devil from getting you to question your last season. Another way to stay connected to the vine is by reading God's word. Some people don't lose faith outwardly, but they lose faith in their heart.
Galatians 5:13-23
Get into God's word in the morning before you get irritable. God also wants to stay away from these acts of flesh, and instead live by the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience (forbearance), kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There are three types of love. People should be joyful, even in times of mourning. Godly people are patient and can persevere. People with the Holy Spirit need to be kind to others. Jesus was gentle/meek, but not weak. People need to have self-control. A part of this is being meek and stifling your pride.

If the devil is telling your that you aren't saved, you might be. Live by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was meek, but he wasn't a coward. Don't resist God's pruning. When you are disobedient, God disciplines you; when you are obedient, God prunes you. Stay connected to the vine.


Good Fruit sermon series

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Jesus addressed money in a lot of his preaching. This is because it is a heart issue. Church has historically had issues with greed.
Matthew 6:19-21
1 Timothy 6:10

Some people believe that tithing is an Old Testament practice.
Leviticus 27:30
Original tithe was to help support the Levites. Some Israelites would give give God leftovers instead of giving him their best. Now, some people give everyone else money first instead of giving God the top 10%. They give him the bottom 3%. God says to bring your first 10% and trust him, even if you are in debt and struggling to get by. After all, 100% of money belongs to God anyways.
Malachi 3:7-12. (10 specifically)
Abraham and Jacob tithed before the law was created.
Matthew 23:23
Jesus wanted the Pharisees to have justice, mercy, and faithfulness, while also tithing to God-not just one or the other. Some people believe this only applies to Old Testament people, but these words are for all followers of Jesus.
5% of churchgoers tithe. 77% of tithers give >10%.
1 Timothy 5:18
You should hold clergy accountable, but don't gossip about them. David did not kill Saul.
Acts 4:33-35
Acts 5:1-11

1. Pay God first (a tithe is a tenth of your income).
We need to prioritize God. This means a change in lifestyle. You need to be willing to change. When people pick up their crosses and follow God, you need to drop something. Friends are often the thing that needs to be dropped.
2. Pay yourself second 10% We are stewards of what God gives us.
3. Develop a budget Live by faith in God. Put your wants and needs into his hands. Set a vision even if your circumstances are down. Move past what you can see.
4. Understand the distinction between needs and wants, income and wealth Some people don't have money because they wear and drive their money (American car culture to the max).
5. Buy a meager priced car, drive it for a long time, and save thousands (I am not joking)
6. Brown bag a lunch at least once a week and save thousands People that are truly rich don't show it (, think Crazy Rich Asians). Trust God.
7. Use $5.00 worth of grocery coupons a week and save thousands
8. Eat at home frequently and save thousands
9. Skip daily junk food and expensive coffee at work and save thousands Some people drink expensive coffee as a fashion statement, but that needs to change when you recommit your life to God.
10. Smoking is hazardous to your health. Quit and save thousands
11. Pay cash for everything, don't use credit cards, monitor your credit report, your credit worthiness is your key to success If you are really disciplined, you can use your credit card and get rewards.
12. Buy assets that appreciate, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Avoid assets that depreciate such as cars, clothes, and jewelry. The car note must never exceed the rent payment. Houses should be bought before cars. "Crock pot mentality always beats microwave mentality." Your mind is your greatest asset. Proverbs 17:16 Give what you want.

Study those who are in a better (financial) position that you; study their mindset, not their possessions. God expressed his love through giving his only son. Give out of obedience and not out of abundance. Give expecting nothing in return. Giving is a test of our heart. Some people don't believe the gospel because of manipulation in the pulpit.
Matthew 6:1-4
When you give, you receive more than you give.
Luke 6:38

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