SSS 1/23

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Genesis 1:26-28

Review your emotional, physical, spiritual, and relationship progress. Focus on the blessings God has given you instead of magnifying what he hasn't given you.

Last year's focus was kingdom marriages (pursuit); this year it is dominate. It is okay to look at secular leaders to understand why they dominate.
[List of planned ministry expansions]
Obey God for him to give you blessings.
Deuteronomy 28:2-13

Acts 1:8

The apostles got strength from the Holy Spirit to help them evangelize.
2 Timothy 1:6-7
God wants us to use our gift and be bold. But some people fear failure, while others fear success. They don't want to raise expectations and worry about not being able to sustain success. Others worry that success might change them. They fear that being better will cause stress.

Consumer: doesn't meet expectations, bad attitude, makes others walk on eggshells, poor communicator, negative, doesn't fulfill commitments, poor work, late, no effort, makes excuses, and complains.
Address the consumer, regardless of whether it is a team member or yourself.

Contributor: meets expectations, take constructive criticism, positive attitude, competent, adds value, and trustworthy.

Catalyst: great attitude, exceeds expectations, brings new ideas, goes the extra mile, committed, empowers others, optimistic, flexible, takes ownership, and adds value.

Acts 6:1-7 The apostles delegated responsibility to solve issues. When a team grows, it has to evolve.

Since God's power is inside of us, we need to act with purpose.

Luke 10:19

The seventy-two disciples were too focused on having the power of God and not rejoicing about going to heaven.

Build safeguards to prevent backsliding into sin.

Things you need to "dominate:"
The power of God. Pray with expectation. Delegate responsibility, not tasks.
John 6:68-9 Have resolve to constantly serve God, regardless of the situation.
You need to have faith in God. Hebrews 11:1,6 Matthew 14:22-36 Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Numbers 13 The Israelites were fearful even though God was on their side.
Resilience. Don't get tired.

I'm going to start using a notebook to take notes, and then filter out what I post on Wattpad so that it is only the most important sermons.

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