Fallen kingdom

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I stood on top of a mountain watching the war with Gala and my body guard Ash. "Who's this tall demon?" Gala asked. Ash was was known as the demon who could block out the sun just by standing up. Everything was grey from his tuxedo to his skin. He had no facial features except two red eyes with a faint white glow inside them. "This is Ash the demon of toxicity." I said. Ash just watched the war not saying anything. "Anyway I know what Myth is and why he wants you dead." Gala said. I stayed quiet trying to remember on my own. "Myth was a king of a powerful from another universe." She said. "Why would I kill a king from another universe?" I asked trying to remember. "You asked him to become the next Prince of death and well he turned it down due to his family." Gala said. I looked at Myth trying to understand why he came back. "You cursed him with immortality and pulled off his arm before taking the souls of his soldiers" gala said grabbing my hand. "Immortality doesn't exist though, not unless he just gets revived over and over" I said remembering what happened. I scrapped my claws together knowing what I did. "If his soul is calmed or broken then the curse ended" I said. "You really think a soul with that much posion in it will be calm, I mean his planet is nothing but a kingdom because he killed everyone against him." Gala said looking at him. "Worst thing that can happen is me sending him to a world beyond hell." I said getting ready to run at him. Gala grabbed my arm tightly. "I sense a looming darkness on this battlefield so please be careful." She said. "I am the prince of death, nothing will stop me from ending this way right here right now" I said before running into the war zone. Ash quickly kept up behind me as I pushed by everyone till I was in front of the bird god. "Come to die?" He asked as he stood in front of me. "Ash stay out of this and go help Gala kill a few of these bugs" I said not looking away from Myth. "Bold of you to take me on by yourself" he said before pulling on his ripped cloak a little. "This symbol means death is caused by peace, It's something you taught me before you sent me to hell where I watched my wife and daughter get raped and murdered!" He yelled before punching me. I blocked his attack but I was pushed back by the force of it. "You know that's fake and you know it was your own imagination used against you" I said trying to calm him down. "I know it was because I killed my wife myself but you think seeing that over a million times in a million ways is forgivable!" He yelled.

prince of death: peace warWhere stories live. Discover now