Flames of hell

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We walked around hell upset that I had to leave the war behind. The wicked just looked at us not saying anything. "What is the sister of light doing here in the house of psychopaths?" One asked before laughing. "I Prince of death impressive the devil and took over, Now all of you will join me or die by my wrath" I said looking at all the wickeds. They giggled looking at each other. "We may all have horns with hell fire on them and chains to pull the guilty down but why should we fight for a demon?" One said. I laughed while looking at them. "Flame is your leader and she wants war so while she's away let's give her a war" I said looking at Gala. "You dare try to command my army without my permission?" A girl asked approaching me. She was blonde and pale. Her eyes were orange like her horns. She had a long red leather jacket. "Flame look I'm not one to take control and say hey kill everyone unless it's an emergency." I said trying to reason with her. Flame just looked at me not saying anything. "You one of the strongest so please help me?" I asked. "We all want war but our blue God isn't here and we can smell the stench of the rapture coming" Flame said looking at her people. "Rapture isn't the word I would use, it's more the end of time" Gala said. "Then let's get started on this war" Flame said opening a portal. I looked at Gala and laughed a little. "I have a feeling the day of eternal suffering really will come soon and I think this is just the start of it" Gala said a little sad. I hugged her as I remembered the three stars destroying everything. "I won't let anything happen to you and I will destroy everything to make you happy" I said squeezing her a little. A tear fell down my face as I remembered the voice blaming me for what will happen to everyone.

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