Unforgivng rage

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"I will send you to hell a million times so you can watch your worst nightmare again and again!" Myth yelled while his aura grew stronger and stronger. His power was beyond anything I have ever seen before. "I have spent years getting stronger so I can send you to your grave" he said forming a ball of power in his hand. "I didn't expect you to forgive me but I suffer every day as two souls stitched together, I hear them scream and cry every day while I am forced to just sit here and live a false life" I said I dodged his attacks. "Shut up and die!" He yelled throwing lightning everywhere killing very soldier around it. "Has you're desire to kill me really drove you to kill your own men?" I said barely avoiding him. "You killed them first so why does it matter if I just send them back to you?" He asked before he punched my stomach. I fell on the ground coughing up blood. "What did I break your rib making it stab your lung?" He asked before kicking me. I threw up more blood as I tried to get up. "I don't need armor to protect me, All I need is strength!" I yelled charging at the lifeless god not knowing what to do. He grabbed my throat and slammed me on the ground. "You can't win" he said as he put his foot on my chest. I started laughing as he put pressure on my chest. "I finally get it now" I said before laughing more. "You finally see how you'll die?" He asked. "No I see how you were too weak so you sold your soul to Athens for more power" I said before blowing up the ground under me. As he was falling I moved away from him but still stayed close. He got up laughing as he looked at me. "You aren't wrong" he said as a storm formed over us with purple lighting jumping around us. "Athens storm thought so, I guess I don't have to calm your soul anymore" I said dusting myself off. "I've decided I'm gonna destroy your soul like I should have in the beginning" I said as I made my fire appear.

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