Raging fire

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"You will pay for your sins" I said before punching Myth breaking his other horn. He laughed as he stumbled backwards. "You shall die for what you have done" He said grabbing his head. I jumped back as he pulled his head off and dropped in front of him. A pool of blood started to form over the severed head as Myth still stood still. "I hate wearing that damn meat mask but it brings me the comfort of knowing that my wife is dead" Myth said before smiling. He looked like a normal young man understand his mask. He had pale skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was covered in blood from his mask but it didn't seem to bother him. "I'll just pull off this head too!" I yelled charging him. "I killed a follow of mother death do you think you can defeat me!" He yelled. I kicked his chest getting pissed off that he won't die. I kept hitting him but my attacks had no effect on him. "Execute, slaughter, genocide, onslaught, murder, just erase them all!" A voice yelled in my head as I kept hitting Myth. Myth punched my stomach still smiling. "You have nothing demon not even her heart" Myth said before throwing more lighting around. I felt a few stinging parts on my body as I ran after Myth with a clouded mind. "You can't tame my two souls, All you can do is watch as I pull apart your army!" I yelled clawing his face. Myth slammed me into the ground getting up. "Do it now!" He yelled. I jumped up and aimed my claws at his neck wanting to end this. A bright purple light blinded me as I felt my body beginning to shut down. I spat out blood as I stumbled a little. "Your body is beginning to shut down isn't it?" Myth said walking to me. My vision began to go fuzzy as I struggled to stay up. "Gala I'm sorry I tried" I said falling down. Myth kicked my side before yelling in pain as I felt lighter. "I can still fight!" I yelled I jumped up. I was in a castle I've never seen before. It looked nice and friendly but I felt the aura of a pure evil person. I got into a fight pose as I tried to understand what was going on.

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