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Wednesday, 1st September 1999

Draco Malfoy steps foot onto platform 9 & 3/4, pushing his trunk in front of him. He was nervous, Draco was not a nervous person. He always stood tall, he was proud of who he was, a Malfoy, a pure-blood. But not this year, this year, he was a criminal, a death-eater, a murderer. He did not stand tall, he was not proud of who he was. He did not want to be a Malfoy. Especially not right now, not here.

This year Draco has two priorities, 1. Finish school (the jury decided it would be best if he went back for an 8th year) and 2. Get the hell out of school and become a Healer, so he pushes his cart and walks towards the train.


Draco slides open the door to the compartment, Pansy immediately looks up, "Draco!" She screeches, practically leaping out of her seat into his arms, "Hello Pansy, how was your summer?" Draco says, letting go of Pansy's tight embrace, sitting down next to Theodore Nott (who did not look the slightest but happy to be back),

"Boring, Actually, Draco, I'm sorry about your father," Pansy says, leaning over the table to kiss Draco on his cheek, "It is okay, there is nothing to be sorry about. He got what he deserved." Pansy gives him a sad smile and kisses him on his other cheek, which prompts Blaise Zabini to fake a retching noise, Pansy smacks him on the back of the head before sitting back down. Draco already knows this is going to be a long train ride.


Harry Potter takes his seat next to Ginny Weasley,

He breathes in quick breaths of air as he readies himself for what he's about to do, he doesn't want to hurt her, he really doesn't. During the summer they spent nearly all their time together and that helped Harry find out that he does love Ginny,  just in a platonic way, not in a romantic way.

Harry is a good person, he is really, and he really did not want to lead her on like that, he knows he should've gotten this over with sooner, but he was too much of a pussy to do it.

He takes the deepest breath he can muster,

"Hey, Ginny", 

"Oh, hey, Harry," she says leaning in for a kiss, which he turns his head to block, "What's wrong?" She asks, her voice filled with worry, Harry takes a deep breath, "I want to break up", 

"What?" Ginny says, Harry hears it, the heartbreak, in her voice, "I'm so sorry Ginny, I just don't like you like that", A tear rolls down her cheek, "It's ok Harry, you can't control your own emotions", 

"Thank you, Ginny, for being so understanding", Ginny just smiles at him and he takes it as his cue to leave,

He really was sorry.


Hermione Granger opens her book, trying to drown out her boyfriend's rambling. Hermione sighs, looking up from her book, "Ronald! There is no possible way that a unicorn can have a baby with a hippopotamus!" She yells angrily, "But, the hippo-corn!' He says, pouting, Hermione just rolls her eyes, she sometimes wonders why she is even dating Ron.

Ron watches the door to the train compartment open, and behind the door stands a very nervous-looking Harry Potter, "Hey, Harry, What's wrong?" Ron asks, "I- ugh- just broke up with Ginny," he says looking down at the floor, "What! I mean uh- why?" Ron asks frantically, "I just don't like her in that way," Harry says, scratching the back of his neck, "Oh- um- ok, that's fine, I guess",

"I'm sorry, I am, I just didn't want to lead her on", 

"Oh, that's fine, I'm glad you didn't lead her on", Harry sits down next to Hermione.

It's going to be an awkward train ride.


Luna Lovegood opens the compartment door to find a crying Ginny inside,

"Ginny? what's wrong?" Luna says, sitting next to Ginny, taking her hands in hers,
Ginny sniffs, "Harry broke up with me," she says, a few more loose tears running down her cheeks,

 "Oh Ginny, I'm so sorry," Luna says, pulling Ginny into a tight embrace. Luna smells nice, Ginny thinks as she buries her head into the crook of Luna's neck, She sort of smells like honey and lemongrass, She thinks it's addicting. 

Luna pulls back, flashing Ginny a soft smile, she grabs Ginny's hands once again, "It's going to be ok, Ginny, I promise". Ginny smiles back because she knows that with Luna she can overcome anything.


Draco and Pansy step off the train, hand-in-hand. Pansy was scared, no, not scared, She was nervous, Pansy can't remember a time in her life before now when she was nervous, Why is she nervous? Well, that's a long and gruelling story that she does not want to think about right now.

She was extremely nervous, and there is nothing that she could do about it, She has to go back to school, her mother said she has to, she couldn't bear to have a dropout for a daughter.

Pansy knows she has to return. If she doesn't finish school she won't get a good job when she's older. So she does what she always does, She pushes her feelings down, That's what she always does,

So why is she having such a hard time doing it now?


Draco was also nervous.

His normal high head was hung low, his eyes were practically glued to the ground. He breathed at an unnaturally fast pace as he and Pansy stepped into the carriage. Draco never enjoyed the carriage, it was always bumpy and it made Draco nauseous. Draco loathed being nauseous (Not like anyone else enjoyed it).

Draco hadn't seen a thestral, At least not before today, He saw them, Something he knows about thestrals is you can only see them if you have seen death, Draco bets half of the students at Hogwarts this year can see them.

That saddens him deeply.


Harry decided that it was best to instead share a carriage with Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, rather than Hermione and Ron.

It would be awkward between them,

And Harry thinks Ron needs time to process the fact that Harry and his sister aren't dating anymore. So he pulls himself up onto the carriage and sits down. He and Neville start making mindless conversation, the whole time Harry wonders if coming back was a good idea,

or if it was a horrible one.

Tristis Amor |Drarry|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara