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Monday, 18th October 1999

Pansy Parkinson grins as the owl finally reappears through the dungeon window. She had sent the letter over 15 minutes ago. Pansy opens the letter and begins to read,


I would be more open to accepting your offer if I knew what this meeting would be regarding,


Harry Potter

Damnit Potter. He just had to know everything didn't he? Pansy sighs and begins to think of excuses for her wanting to see him. She can't think of any.


Pansy sighs, fully considering ignoring his letter and pretending she never sent hers in the first place. She picks up a piece of paper and begins to craft her letter to Potter.


Tuesday, 19th October 1999

Harry is jolted awake as a piece of paper is dropped onto his face from above, he just barely sees the brown wings of Ulysses before he flies off through the window of Harry's dorm. Harry peels open the letter and starts to read the letter,


This meeting would be regarding Hermione Granger.

If you would like to go forth with this meeting, we would meet at Madame Puddifoots Tonight (19th, October) at 11 pm.


Pansy Parkinson

Hermione? What does Parkinson want with Hermione? Harry shakes his head and grabs a piece of paper.


Hermione shovels her breakfast into her mouth at an alarmingly fast pace. She's stress-eating. Trying her best to always have food in her mouth to avoid talking to anyone, as if anyone is awake yet, she woke up at 6 and left as soon as breakfast started. Hermione finishes her breakfast before anyone can try to talk to her and she quickly runs off back to Gryffindor Tower.

She knows Ron isn't awake yet. In the meantime, Hermione sits on a chair in the corner of the room and pulls out her book and continues reading where she left off. About an hour passes by and Ron finally emerges from the Boy's dorms,

"Oh, Hermione, What are you doing here?", Ron asks her, walking towards her, Hermione slips the leather strap into her book, marking her page before standing up and walking towards Ron, meeting him in the middle of the room.

"Ron, We need to have a talk."


Harry grimaces as Ron shoves another piece of chocolate into his mouth, the chocolate that's already in his mouth leaking out around the corners of his lips.

"Harry, I'm so sad," Harry gags as a large chunk of chocolate, fused together by the heat of Ron's mouth falls onto the thigh of Ron's pants as he lets out another sob,

Harry really doesn't know what to say, He has never really been broken up with before, so he doesn't even know how to comfort Ron, and Harry is also confused, Ron won't even tell him why Hermione dumped him.

"Sorry?", Ron hiccups as he stops crying, he grabs the cup on the bedside table (Which is Harry's, Ron's is empty on the floor, but he doesn't mention that) and downs the rest of the pumpkin juice in the glass,

"Nah, Mate, don't apologize. She was acting so weird, I should've known something was up." Ron frowns and Harry looks back at him sadly, "Don't blame yourself, Mate. It's really not your fault she wanted to break up.", Ron sighs, "If it wasn't my fault then why would she break up with ME.", Ron rests his elbows on his knees and leans his head into his hands, his fists squeezing his cheeks in an almost adorable fashion, "I clearly did something wrong, because if I didn't why would she want to date someone else?",

Harry looks at him confused, his eyebrows furrowed, "Hermione wants to date someone else?", Ron nods and Harry turns his head to the side, silently asking for Ron to elaborate, "She said something about Slytherin? She said that she kissed this guy already, Harry. She basically cheated on me.", Harry lets out a remorseful sigh,

"That's not basically, Mate. She cheated on you.", Ron starts to cry again and Harry gives him a hug, awkwardly trying to avoid the spit and chocolate mixture which had somehow gotten all over Ron.

Ron Sobs into Harry's shoulder, no doubt getting chocolate all over his Pyjamas (which Harry hadn't bothered changing out of). Harry doesn't care about the chocolate on his Pyjamas, he cares that Hermione had broken his Best Friend's heart, and for what? Some Slytherin Guy? No fucking way was she getting away without an explanation.


Angatra flies above Pansy's head, her beguiling copper wings making her easily visible, rumor has it that Rado Mahaka had sent her to him straight from Madagascar. She drops the note to Pansy, sitting on a bench in front of the school because of her free period. Pansy unfolded the piece of paper and reads the note.


I will meet you at Madame Puddifoots tonight. See you at 11.

You're welcome,

Harry Potter

Pansy scoffs, you're welcome? Damnit Potter, why so cocky? She could easily do this without him.


Harry hasn't seen Hermione all day, he knows that she avoiding him. It annoys him to no end, how dare she? She cheats on Ron and breaks his heart and then avoids Harry all day? Harry scoffs and tries to erase the thought from his mind as he approaches Madame Puddifoots.

Harry doesn't know why Parkinson invited him here, they're not dating and he's almost certain that she wouldn't use Hermione to get a date with him (As if she would even want to date him in the first place).

Harry opens the door and is greeted by the sickenly pink walls, the happy couples everywhere remind Harry over and over again just how devastatingly single he really is.

"Potter," Harry looks over and sees Pansy sitting at a table, she sticks out like a sore thumb in her all-black attire. Harry walks over to her, there are 2 cups on the table and 1 & 1/2 pieces of cake, Harry can tell which cup is Pansy's on account of the bright red lipstick mark on the side of one of the cups,

Pansy looks up at him and gives him a polite smile, which he does not return.

"Sit, please." Harry pulls out the chair and sits, he eyes the cup in front of him skeptically,

"It's jasmine, with honey", Harry brings the cup to his mouth and takes a sip,

"So, what about Hermione did you want to talk about?"

He sees Pansy gulp before answering,

"Well, I just," Pansy takes a long breath,

"I wanted to know what she likes", Pansy gives him an awkward smile as she waits for him to answer.

Harry is very confused.

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now