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Tw: Emotophobia

Monday, 18th October 1999

It's dinner time.

Draco Malfoy gets out of bed and drags himself toward the dorm door, Draco opens the door and walks into the common room, "Draco, took you long enough,"

Pansy scoffs and grabs his forearm with her hand and pulls him to the common room door, Blaise and Theo follow behind them making meaningless conversation, Pansy rattles on about how annoying Millicent is, Draco isn't listening.

They find their way to the Slytherin table and sit down, Draco can feel the people looking at him, people don't like Draco much, not after what he did. He's sitting next to Pansy, and across from Theo, Blaise is on his right. Draco grabs a meat pie off of the tray in front of him and takes a bite, Pansy takes a chip off his plate but Draco pretends he doesn't care (he does).

The staring is back.

Harry Potter is staring at him,


Draco tries his best to ignore it, but he can't, he's a weak man, whatever. He looks over, Harry catches his eye, they keep end contact for a second before Harry looks away, Draco takes another bite of his meat pie,

He's going to be sick.

Draco swallows and grabs the glass of water in front of him, he takes a big sip, downing half the glass before putting the cup back down, "Draco, are you okay?", Pansy asks, her eyebrows furrowed, she's worried.

"Don't follow me,"

Draco quickly sits up and hurries to the door of the Great Hall, He rushes to the bathroom and as soon as he gets to the stall a familiar sense of dread comes over him and he's throwing up his lunch and his breakfast, the stall door is still open as he vomits his guts out. Once he's finished he walks to the sinks and takes some water from the tap in his hand, he swirls the water in his mouth and then spits it back into the sink.

There are light footsteps behind him, Draco knows those footsteps, "Potter.", Draco says, he means to say it harshly but it falls flat, his voice sounding gentle, as if he was just addressing an acquaintance,

"Malfoy,", He breathes out, it sounds more like a sigh,

"What do you want?", Draco asks, he looks into the sink and his fingers curl around the sides of the ceramic bowl in an all too familiar action. He hears a sigh from behind him, there's a shuffle. he's moving. Draco feels Harry's presence behind him, he can hear his ragged, uneducated breaths, he can hear as he swallows behind him and chokes out,

"Are you okay?", Draco lets out a pitiful laugh as a grin spreads across his lips, "I'm fine, Potter. Why do you ask?", Draco questions, he looks up to make eye contact with Harry through the mirror, he's closer than he thought. "You- you just-", Harry stumbles on his words, "I what?", Draco wants to play this out, let it last as long as possible, "You've just been, acting weird, and you just ran off and-",

"I've been acting weird? What does that even mean?" Draco smiles, (he smiles, not grins, he smiles, full teeth), "I don't even know." His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are parted and he looks embarrassed.

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now