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Thursday, 21th October 1999

Ginny smiles as Luna braids a flower into her hair, she's nearly tuned out Ron's complaining entirely.

"Hush up Ron, nobody cares that Hermione broke up with you, move on."

"I can't just move on Ginny, you don't understand, no girl has even talked to me in that way since we broke up, and like I try to flirt and stuff but it never works," Ron sighs,

"Nobody has talked to you at all? Like nobody's given you their phone number or like dorm room number or anything?" Ginny asks him, Luna's moved onto another patch of her hair and she giggles in delight as she picks a flower and twirls it into Ginny's hair,

"Well, I mean, I did technically get a phone number I guess",

"You did? From who?",

"Zabini," Ron groans,

"Blaise Zabini?" Ginny repeats,

"Yes, him", Ron grumbles,

Ginny bursts out laughing and Ron covers his face with his hands,

"Oh my god, Ron! He wants to fuck you! Blaise Zabini wants to fuck you!" Ginny laughs and Luna giggles,

"No! No, he doesn't, he gave me his number to torment me!"

"Yeah, Yeah, Of course, Ron", Ginny rolls her eyes and fully lays her head down into Luna's lap, the sound of her quiet humming the only thing she can hear now that she successfully shut up Ron.

Ginny can hear the shuffling of Ron's robes and bag before she hears him speak,

"I'm leaving, I'll see you guys later,"

"Yeah, Yeah, bye Ron" Ginny mumbles sighing as Luna runs her hand deep into Ginny's hair, scratching her scalp.


Ron groans looking down at the phone in his hand, a piece of paper with swirly written numbers in his other hand,

He reluctantly types the numbers into his phone, allowing the message screen to come up,

Hey, Its ron, do u want 2 fuck me?

He sends the message and closes his eyes, waiting. He is surprised by how fast Zabini's response comes,

Wow, very forward haha, ask me on a date 1st

Ron reads his message, confused. His eyes widen in horror as he realizes what Zabini had thought he said,

I meant if u wanted to fuck me not that I wanted to have sex with u

It takes a minute, but Zabini's response comes eventually,

And if I did?

Ron's heart rate picks up, And if I did? What does that mean?!


How wud u feel abt it? Wud u wanna 2?

Ron was sure Zabini had to be joking with him, I mean there was no way Zabini actually wanted to fuck him right?

Ur joking me

No. Im not

Yes. U r

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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