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TW: Emetophobia 

Wednesday, 20th October 1999

Harry, once again eyes Draco from across the dining hall, it's dinner now, and yet since their last interaction, he has not had one single thought that didn't involve Draco Malfoy, His stupid hair, his stupid agitatingly perfect teeth, his stupid beautiful smile that makes Harry happier than anything else ever has, his stupid gorgeous face and his stupid attractive body. 

Draco Malfoy is stupid. (Stupidly attractive)

He stares and waits for Draco to look back at him, to give him the 5 seconds of attention he desperately (needs ) wants.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Draco looks over at him, the world stops. Suddenly, the sounds of the great hall, once deafening, is now just a quiet hum. Suddenly, there is nobody else in the room, Dean and Seamus aren't sitting across from him, Ron isn't beside him, it's just Harry and Draco and they are looking at each other and there is no hint of malice in either of their eyes. 

Draco smiles close-mouthed and Harry's heart just about drops, he returns the smile but in what feels like less than a second Draco's smile drops and just as he was there, he was gone, sprinting from the dining hall with a hand over his mouth. Harry gets up, as ungraceful as ever and runs after him, Harry arrives just as Draco falls to his knees in front of the toilet, retching. Harry pauses in the doorway of the bathroom and he watches in horror as Draco vomits up his dinner, his lunch and his breakfast, and then, it's just the sound of Draco breathing,

"Draco? Are you okay?" Draco looks up at Harry, mouth closed, his face unreadable,

"Draco?", his face turns sour and he turns back to the toilet as he vomits even more, after a while, he stops vomiting and Draco rests his forehead on the toilet seat (Which Harry could only hope was clean)

"Stop pitying me, Harry"

Harry acts like Draco calling him Harry isn't everything he's ever wanted,

"I don't pity you, Draco, I-",

"Yes, you do, you're just too dense to realize it", 

"No, I don't pity you, I care about you-"

"How could you possibly care about me, you don't know me. And besides that, all I've ever done is treat you like shit",

Harry pretends like Draco doesn't have a good point,

"Well then you should let me know you, then"

For a second, Draco freezes, then he answers,


Harry smiles,

"I'd like to take you up on your offer, from first year. I'd like to be friends."

Draco looks up from the toilet, horrified.


Hermione, confused, furrows her brows as Harry runs after Draco Malfoy, who had looked as if he was about to vomit, she directs her eyes to Pansy who is looking at her, also very confused. They have a lot to talk about tonight.


 "Okay, easy questions first," Draco tells him, he watches as Draco gets up on the window sill and sits, stretching his legs out, and motions for Harry to sit across from him, he does as told and stretches out his legs, their legs touch, each of their feet touching each others' thighs. (Harry is squealing internally),

Harry thinks for a second, 

"What's your favourite colour?"


"Purple? Really?" Harry asks, grin on his face,

"Yes, Purple. What's wrong with purple?" 

"Nothing, purple is a lovely colour" Harry smiles at him even more than before,

"I know that that's why it's my favourite",

"Hmm, Okay, your turn, ask me a question," Harry asks,


"Harry, that is a stupid question," Draco laughs, (his laugh is everything Harry's ever dreamed of, everything he's ever wanted to hear)

"No, It's not!" It was, but Harry won't admit it, he may not be a Malfoy, but damn if he isn't stubborn,

Their laughter fizzles out and they stare at each other for a second, 

"Harry, I have another question for you," 

"Yes, anything, ask away",

"You see, you've never actually told me what inspired you to want to get to know me, but if you think I am up to no good I can assure you I am not, I never wanted to do that stuff in the first place.",

 Harry takes a second to process the words coming out of Draco's mouth before answering, 

"Draco, why aren't you sad about your dad dying?",

Draco breaks their eye contact to look at his own feet,

"My father is a far worse man than you or anyone else will ever know, Harry. I am 100% sure that without him in it, the world will be a far better place, so now you've got your answer and I can leave-"

"No!, Don't go! Please?", Harry begs with his eyes, 

Draco looks up at him again, resuming the previously broken eye contact,


"Okay" Harry smiles at him and to his relief (And not-so-secret delight) Draco smiles back at him.


Pansy and Hermione sit in the library engaging in quiet conversation as Hermione twirls the small bouquet of violets in her hands, she has no idea how Pansy knew they were her favourite, maybe just good intuition?

"Why would Potter run after Draco? They hate each other, They are enemies for Merlin's sake!" Pansy sighed, exasperated, throwing her legs over the side of the armchair she was sitting in,

"I really don't know, but you and I were enemies not too long ago, weren't we? Things can change, Pansy",

"I'm not so sure about that 'Mione, Draco is very stubborn, I don't think he would change that fast,"

Hermione sighs and gets up from her chair and walks over to Pansy, sitting in her lap, straddling her hips,

"Maybe you're right Pansy, Draco is pretty stubborn, isn't he?",

"Yes, he is very," Pansy smiles and slides her fingers into Hermione's hair pulling her down into a kiss.


The Astronomy tower, normally completely empty by now, is inhabited only by two figures, they lay next to each other, as one looks to the sky pointing out constellations, and the other, isn't listening to a word he says, too busy admiring a face that could have only been sculpted by the gods themselves.

Draco Malfoy is the world's most gorgeous person, Harry thinks.

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now