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Friday, 15th October 1999

Draco Malfoy had finally gotten used to the stares, the looks of hate and disgust, but the look he will never get used to is the look that Harry Potter, his sworn enemy, the person Draco prides himself on hating gives him,


Draco does not want people to pity him, he wants them to feel threatened, and annoyed. (He doesn't want that either, he wants to be likeable, or at the least for them to feel indifference.)

Not pity.

Anything, but pity.

It seems every time he looks to the Gryffindor table, the familiar sorrowful green eyes are looking at him,

A gorgeous grassland inhabited all of pity.

Draco normally just scoffs and goes back to any conversation he was having before, yet he can't wrap his head around why he is always staring,

Does he think he is up to something again?

Because if he does, that's incredibly insulting, Draco has changed for the better, he really has. But why would he think that Draco is up to something? He testified at his trial, he thought Draco was good enough to be let back out into the world, maybe he's merely making sure Draco isn't up to something, and maybe he would understand, He was up to stuff in the past. Draco forces the thought out of his mind as he takes a bite of his third scone (he was on break, it doesn't matter).

He had divination today, Draco didn't like divination, truthfully, he loathed it. If you would ask him, he would say that it's useless and nobody would ever use it ever. "Draco," Pansy says, taking a seat next to Draco,

"Hey Pansy," Draco says, and he sends a smile toward him, "Hello to you too Dray," she says smiling, "I told you not to call me that",

 "I'll call you whatever I want," Pansy says, grabbing Draco's scone, taking a bite of it, "Ugh- too much butter" Pansy scoffs, throwing Draco's now abandoned scone on the table.


Harry Potter anxiously shook his leg while he took a bite of scrambled eggs from his plate,
It was only when the eggs hit his tongue that Harry remembered he hates eggs. "Harry, are you ok? you seem, distracted" Hermione asks, looking at him worriedly, "Oh, I'm fine 'Mione, it's nothing", it was a lie. there was a something, a big something.

Well, actually, there was a him.

There was something about him that just drew Harry in, He didn't know why every time he sat down in the great hall his eyes automatically fell onto the Slytherin table, he also didn't know why when he couldn't sleep, Harry would pull out the map and just watch his name (which Harry would never admit, not even to himself),

Hermione eyes him skeptically, "Are you sure?", 

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm 100% fine" Harry says, faking a smile hoping Hermione will believe him better, "Okay," she says skeptically; it's obvious she knows he's lying but she doesn't want to pressure him into telling her (as that would go against her morals), so she doesn't say anything and hopes that Harry will tell her eventually.


Draco sits in divination, he believes that it is the worst class, it is the worst class for more than one reason.

1. He thinks it is stupid (nobody actually uses it right?)

2. He thinks it is useless (when will somebody need to read their future in a cup of tea?), Draco does not even need it for the career path he has chosen;  a Healer.

3. Potter is in the same divination class as him and he sits behind Draco, so he always feels him staring; burning holes in the back of Draco's head. (Do not ask how he can feel it, he just does)

Draco looks down to see Pansy picking at the skin around her fingers, he grabs her hand and covers it with his own, she looks to the side and smiles at him but Draco isn't looking at her.

The class ends and Trelawney assigns homework on topics Draco thinks no one is ever going to use in real life. Draco and Pansy walk down the corridor hand-in-hand. It was now lunch and Draco, as dramatic as he says, "If I spent one more minute in that classroom, I think I might have starved to death", and Pansy lets out a loud screech of a laugh.

Draco loads his plate with fruits and vegetables (mostly orange slices; Draco loves orange slices). He sets his plate on Slytherin's table and takes his seat next to Pansy and Theo. Pansy is staring at the newspaper in front of her, mouth agape.

"What," Draco asks Pansy

"Draco, your father- he's dead?" Pansy half whispers, shock evident in her voice,

"What?" Draco asks, snatching the paper out of Pansy's hands,

Draco's eyes wander over the words printed on the paper,

'Lucius Malfoy; found dead in Azkaban prison'

Draco's eyes go wide as he continues reading,

'Lucius Malfoy was found dead in his Azkaban cell early yesterday morning. No foul play is suggested, the cause of death is suspected to be suicide, yet to be confirmed'

"Draco I'm so sorry-" Pansy begins to explain, "No," Draco says firmly, Pansy sighs and begins again, "I know you never had the best relationship but you must be sad, right?", 

"No," Draco says, monotone. "Okay," Pansy says sadly turning back to finish the food on her plate. Pansy knows that Draco and his father were never close, but he had to be at least a little sad,

Did he really hate him that much?

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now