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Saturday, 16th October 1999

Luna Lovegood woke up early this morning. she went to go pick some violets for Ginny, she has been quite downcast since she and Harry had broken up, and Luna wanted to make her feel better, or at least try to.


Ginny Weasley crept down the stairs, others pushed past her and by the time she reached the bottom her shoulders hurt. A frown plastered on her freckled face Ginny walked towards the dining hall, she was soon met with the beautiful smiling face of Luna Lovegood. "Hello, Ginny," Luna greets pleasantly, a soft smile on her lips, "Hey, Luna." Ginny sighs as she steps over to where Luna is standing, "I got you something" Luna smiles as she reaches into her bag, "You did?" Ginny asks, a small glint of joy in her eyes, "Yes!,"

Luna pulls out a small bouquet of short blue and purple flowers, "Oh, Luna. They're beautiful!" Ginny beams and she smiles for what feels like the first time in months, "I know, that's why I picked them. They reminded me of you" Luna talks bluntly, 

Ginny smiles, somehow bigger than before, and a blush spreads across her cheeks, "C'mon, let's get to the hall before breakfast ends," Ginny says, admiring the idyllic flowers in her hands.


He's staring again,

Hermione first noticed 2 weeks ago, that any time he was around all of Harry's attention was on Malfoy, in the dining hall, in the yard, in any classes they shared, and on the stairs, It was worrying to Hermione, she hadn't seen Harry so distracted in a long time, not since, well, sixth year, she found it strange how Harry's object of distraction was always Malfoy. It was almost like he was obsessed with him.

Keyword almost.

Almost obsessed. Being obsessed would be like following somebody everywhere, Tracking their every move, not just looking at them right? Well, she hopes she's right. Harry has enough problems already, he doesn't have time to be obsessed with Malfoy.

Good Godric's, Hermione has been up all night worrying about this all night!

Hermione sits up, swings her legs over the side of the bed, slips on her slippers and momentarily cringes at the cold her feet are met with (As she had not worn them for many hours), she tiptoes her way out of her dorm (making sure to not wake her dormmates, Megan, Kellah, Pavarti and Emma).

Hermione knows she shouldn't do this, she knows she can't do this. But it's a thrill.

It feels like the only fun she has anymore. Things are just different now. Hermione makes her way down the hall, heading for the library. She is caught off caught as she rounds a corner and rams straight into,

Pansy Parkinson?

Hermione falls backwards and Pansy topples over her, Pansy is quick to sit herself up beside Hermione, "What the hell, Granger!" Pansy screeches, "Me, what the hell? You, what the hell! Why were you even running?", Hermione whisper yells (still cautious of getting caught out of bed), "I was trying to get back to my dorm before Filch caught me!" Pansy whisper yells back,

"Oh shit, Filch is coming?!" Hermione panics and quickly stands herself up, wiping herself off with her hands, "Did little Granger just swear?" She sees Pansy smile in the dark lights of the hall, "Yeah, I did so wha-, did you hear that?" Hermione questions, "Hear what?", Pansy asks, clearly not worried in the slightest, 

"The cat, did you hear the cat?", "No- wait you heard a cat? Crookshanks!" Pansy whisper yells and she begins running towards a nearby closet, Hermione following close behind.

The two barrel into the storage closet, Hermione quickly closing it behind them, "Grang-",

 "Sshhhhhh" Hermione puts a finger over her own mouth, 

"Bu-", Hermione slaps her hand over Pansy's mouth, "What is it, Crookshanks?" The pair hear Flich's old wearied voice from outside the door, "Have you seen students?" a worried frown is plastered on Hermione's face, Hermione feels Pansy smile underneath her hand, a tongue pushes through Pansy's lips licking a stripe up Hermione's palm, Hermione quickly pulls her hand back, 

"Parkinson! What the hell?!" Hermione whisper yells, Pansy grins and stays silent until she hears Filch's footstep dim and she knows he's gone. 

"The hell is I wanted your hand off my face" Pansy breathes, leaning against a shelf filled with various polishes and a shit ton of rags, Hermione rolls her eyes and turns to pull the door open, She pulls and jimmies and shakes the knob,

But it doesn't open.

"Did you bring your wand?" Pansy asks, "No" Hermione sighs, defeated, Hermione slides down the door until she hit the floor, Pansy moves from her spot leaning against the shelf and slides down next to her (leaving an appropriate distance; of course) 

"We're stuck" Hermione states, playing with a loose strand of thread on the hem of her pyjamas, "Oh, Granger. I never could have guessed!", 

"Shut it! I'm panicking!"

I'm going to be in so much trouble

Pansy sighs and leans her head against the door, "Sooo, Granger, How's life?", Pansy asks,

It's awkward.

This is awkward

"It's okay, and you?" Hermione answers, pulling a string from the hem of her pyjama shirt, "well, not good", 

"Oh? Why?" Hermione looks over to Pansy, She's looking at the floor. "I- I think my boyfriend is cheating on me,"

"Oh, Draco? Why would you think that?",

"He just acts different now, and he doesn't want to be around me as much or touch me and he- he seems uncomfortable around me.",



Hermione watches Pansy bite her bottom lip with her teeth, Pansy stands up and reaches out a hand, Hermione takes it. "Why are we standing?", Pansy rolls her eyes and pulls a wand out of her pocket, "You had a wand this whole time!",

 "I never said I didn't?", Hermione looks at Pansy angrily as she performs alohemora on the lock, Pansy opens the door,

"Seeya, Granger",

And she's gone, a footstep of the wind wafting through open castle windows.

And Hermione is,



Sunday, 17th October 1999

It's warm under the covers. It's probably the only warm place in the dungeons (aside from the fireplace of course). Pansy doesn't want to get up. Technically she doesn't have to. It is Saturday after all, but Draco, Blaise and Theo will worry if she doesn't come to breakfast, and she, Millicent and Tracy have plans. Pansy reluctantly rolls out of bed and puts on her robes before leaving the room to head to breakfast, as soon as Pansy leaves the dorm a shiver runs down her spine, all the way to her toes.

She is not in the mood for today.

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Where stories live. Discover now