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Sunday, 17th October 1999

Hermione received a letter from Pansy mere hours after their first conversation.


Please, meet me in the library at 10:30 tonight,


P. Parkinson.

It was now 10:15.

Hermione slipped out of the Gryffindor common room, and strode down the hallway to the library, making sure to not be seen by Filch or Ms.Norris, Hermione opened the door slowly, resulting in a slow, deep creek to echo through the quiet library.

Hermione cringes as the creek fills her ears and stops for a moment before continuing through the library.

She finds Pansy leant up against a bookshelf, reading some Muggle book, "Ah, Granger! Took you long enough" Pansy told sarcastically, "Shhh, you'll get us caught!" Hermione whisper yells, walking up to Pansy, Pansy smirks and leads her to a table, Hermione notices a binder underneath her arm,

They sit down at a table and Pansy plops the binder down in front of them, "What's this?" Hermione asks, motioning towards the binder, "It's proof, well, it's going to be. Right now it's mostly just things that are off about Draco", "Well, okay, that's good, we can use this. Staying organized is always important.", Pansy opens the binder, inside is a lined workbook, Pansy opens the page of the book, and there's a list of around 10 things, she flips to the next page, another 15 things, "There was more but I didn't have time to write them down," Pansy explains, flipping the page back over to the first one,

Hermione examines the first page,

1. Doesn't want to hold hands,

This has happened on multiple occasions,
The first time we were at Hogsmeade, we were getting back to school supplies, we stopped at the sweets shop and I reached out my hand to hold his. In less than 30 seconds the nitwit pulled his hand out of mine to grab something, and after he'd put it back, he didn't grab my hand again! There have been several instances like this after that day. Normally Draco would have loved to hold my hand!

2. He flinched in my presence

Draco was sitting down in one of the comfy chairs in the common room and I needed something behind his head, I went to grab it and he flinched as soon as I got near him! Why would he flinch? Does he think I'm some sort of monster or something?

3. Too much butter

I know this one sounds stupid, but hear me out,

Draco HATES butter like he basically despises it. But lately, he's been eating it a lot. Okay, this still sounds stupid and I don't know how this correlates to Draco cheating on me but it's something that he's doing differently recently and I felt the need to bring it up.

4. Kissing weird

Draco normally kisses very passionately, these last few months he's been kissing me very weirdly,

Like he only pecks my mouth instead of kissing me and when I try to get him to make out with me, it feels like he isn't giving it his all, you know?

Also, he stopped using chapstick, which is strange, Draco loved chapstick.

Number 5, Hermione notices it's rubbed out as if Pansy erased like then wrote on top again like she was questioning whether to write it or not,

5. His father died

This one also sounds quite strange but hear me out,

Draco didn't know his father had died until everyone saw it in the news that morning,
Draco didn't have a normal reaction to this news. He was just fine. He wasn't sad, he wasn't confused, he was just normal. It's so weird to me, I know they had a difficult relationship but still, I would be sad if my father died and I hate him.

6. Sneaking out

One day I caught him sneaking out without me, now I sneak out without him sometimes, but Draco always told me when he snuck out, why doesn't he trust me enough to tell me where he's going anymore?

7. More time alone

Draco has been progressively spending more and more time alone, we used to spend all of our free time together, but now we don't spend even half of our alone time together, he's always holed up in his room.

Hermione's face twists in disgust as she reads the next point,

8. doesn't want to have sex

I've tried to initiate sex multiple times, it's either Draco is super oblivious and doesn't know what sex is, or he isn't attracted to me anymore and doesn't want to have sex with me.
And he won't even take off his shirt in front of me! What does that even mean?

9. Always distracted; can't keep one thought

Especially in classes and during mealtime, sometimes on the stairs or even in the yard, it's crazy! Like he could be talking about something clearly one minute and next crazy distracted and forgetful the next, why is this happening?

10. Necklace

This is probably my biggest form of proof,

A few days ago I snuck into the boys' dorm and was hanging out with Draco, I was on his bed. Draco went to the bathroom and while I was adjusting myself to be more comfortable, I felt something under my thigh, it was a necklace, it was a small silver necklace in the shape of a cross. Who's necklace was that? Did Draco have a girl over who was in his bed and lost her necklace?

"What do you think?" Pansy asks, pulling the necklace out of her pocket, "Some of this is good proof, the other stuff could just be Draco growing up",

"What do you mean?" Pansy asks, setting the necklace down on the table in front of her, "Well, Draco now liking butter could just be his tastebuds expanding and he likes it now, and wanting more alone time is normal, especially after everything that has happened these past few years, sometimes I need time to myself too.", Pansy sighs, "I just feel like he's cutting me out, also the necklace?",

Hermione grabs it from off the table, "Hmm", "What?" Pansy asks instantaneously, "There's something engraved in it, initials maybe?", "Oh?" Pansy asks, getting up to lean over Hermione, her chin resting on Hermione's shoulder, "I think it says, N.B?, who is N.B?", Pansy's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "I don't know" Pansy stands up and then sits back down in her seat,

"Draco is cheating on me with a girl named N.B?",

"Maybe?, we don't know who N.B even is"

"Yeah, I guess, you're right",

Hermione looks up at the clock, "It's getting late, Parkinson, would you like to continue tomorrow?",

"Yeah, that would be great.",

And Hermione can't help but feel excited for the next night

Tristis Amor |Drarry|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat