Chapter 5

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Atsumu's POV:

I woke up to bright light on my face, "ugggh" I covered my face with my arm, and sat down on the bed.

I looked at the other side of the room to look at Omi's bed, he wasn't there, I heard a door open, when I turned around, Oh my...

Omi was standing in front of the bathroom with a towel on his wet black curly hair, another small towel hanging off his waist that can show his v line, droplets of water coming down from his muscular chest all the way to his thighs, he was absolutely beautiful.

"When did you wake up?"

I quickly looked Down from embarrassment returning to my senses, maybe I was looking for so long, "Just now..."

"Alright you can shower now, It's 6:40 we have to get ready for breakfast" He nodded.


After we got ready, We both went down to the cafeteria, I looked around to find Osamu and Suna with... a boy with round eyebrows?

We went to them after taking our meal, in front of the table and sitting down, Omi beside me and eyebrow boy, I was in the middle.

"Osamuu Sunaa! and Rottweiler!"  I called the three of them, I think I was a little loud since everyone was looking at me and I heard quiet chuckles from beside me, Omg did Omi just laugh FSRECYDB

The other laughed as well except for eyebrow boy, "It's Komori Motoya !!" He said pouting at the end and turning his head in the other direction, pretending to be upset, "Kiyo you're supposed to help me not laugh for the first time!!"

"It's funny OK? You look like one you can't blame me!" Omi was struggling to hold in his laugh, but continue eating as I followed, we started talking and knowing each other better and I actually made up with Omi's cousin and I'm calling him Komo, I suggested for him to meet Akagi since I think they'll be a good match, I even knew some embarrassing memories of Omi, like when he accidentally dyed his hair pink in middle school and stayed with it for a month.

At practice, I played with Komo and Omi on a 3 to 3 match, and omfg, the way that Kiyoomi spikes the ball made me really scared and hot, I was watching his flexible wrists the whole time, how I want to be that ball right now, the way his curly hair floats when he jumps is angelic, I just want to run my hand through it, how his shirt lifts up so I can see his abs again...


"Huh what?"

"You're zoning out, I've been calling you for five fucking minutes!" My twin got me back from my fantasies yelling, I covered my ears slowly from the loud sound but Omi notice it, he looked at Osamu to stop him, which he did, and got back to eating dinner.

Omi held my hand from beneath the table so no one sees us, assuring me that it was ok, smiling a little, I smiled back at him squeezing his hand as we both continued eating.

As soon as dinner finished, the five of us went to our dorms, Omi just got out of the shower, letting me in.

I slowly started to take off my clothes showing my bruised and beaten up body, dark purple and red marks covering me, traces of hands showing, and some random cuts on my wrists and thighs, as I took some Band-Aids off.

I slowly went into the shower, turning the water tab up, I moved to the side until the water warms up, as I carefully moved back, I felt like I got electrified, the water touched all my opened bruises as I hissed and teared up from the pain since they were still new.

When I finished, I wrapped up my wounds again making sure to cover every part possible, I went out and looked at the time, 9:40, it took a really long time, The room was awfully quiet so I figured Kiyoomi was sleeping and it's late.

I went to my bed wearing an oversized hoodie and red sweatpants, I made sure to wash Omi's clothes, covering myself and closing my eyes as I drifted off to sleep...


I woke up to a notification from my phone, "Who would den me something at this time?" It was 2:00 am, I unlocked my phone as the bright light hit me, I lowered it and went on the messenger app...A tear left my eye...

... Please...No...

~To be continued~

Heeey, sorry for the cliffhanger hehe, anyways, I won't take too long for part 6, it's quite hard working on two books at the same time, things are going downhill from the next chapter!

Hope you enjoyed it!

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