3. Worry

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Narcissa Malfoy was worried.  

She recalled her younger years, and how they had been filled with love and kindness.  Yes she had been raised a pure blood, but she had never known cruelty until just before her wedding to Lucius Malfoy.  Her marriage had been arranged, and out of tradition and not wanting to cause your family scandal, you did as you were told.  Which is why Draco had been raised the same way.  There were times when she wanted to leave, but she knew the minute she did that, she would not only lose her son, she would probably lose her life as well.

And so she stayed.  For his safety and for her own.  Lucius wasn't born cruel, he was actually the most charming man she had ever met, at first.  He used to spoil her rotten with gifts and surprises, but when his father, Abraxas Malfoy, heard what was going on, he put a stop to it immediately.  There would be no more gifts, no more love, no more anything, because the only thing that mattered in life was power.  

Lucius slowly became programmed to think like his father.  He would cancel dates with Narcissa, he would get irritated with her quickly, he would scowl if she laughed too loud, and with his new found power that his father awarded him, came respect from all over the globe.  And Lucius reveled in it.  

He decided that he liked having power in his head, more than he liked having Narcissa in his arms.  He grew to be evil and demanding in every facet of their lives, including when they would have a child.

The day that Draco was born, he had decided on their son's name.  He would designate a house elf to watch him during the day, stating that Narcissa had wife and hostess duties to perform, there was no time to be playing with a baby.  Not that Lucius wasn't proud that he had a son.  He was immensely proud, and loved to show off his son, but he never wanted Narcissa to get too close to him.  There were days that they would both spend time with him, but it was always done together.  

Like the day they had taken him to get ice cream and had bought him a dragon plushie.  How Draco had loved him.  He slept next to him in his bed, sat with him at meal times, was propped up against the wall, when it was time for Draco to have his bath.  They spent so much time with each other, and when she told her son that she needed to name him, he did.  

But the morning that he had woken up and couldn't find him anywhere had been hard to deal with.

She had helped him look everywhere, and when she had told her husband why Draco was so upset, because he had asked, his reaction was disgusting.  He had laughed at her, and scolded, "The boy is eleven 'Cissa.  He needs to grow up, and a bloody dragon won't help things along.  He's going to Hogwarts soon, and no son of mine will be seen sleeping with a fucking toy!".  

She suspected then, that he had taken the dragon. 
But what did he do with it. 
Did he hide it, burn it, give it away. 

She had noticed the way that her son had looked at Harry Potter when he had entered the court room and defended him.  It was something akin to admiration, and a want in his eyes.  Seeing the Potter boy had lit up his eyes, like there was a fire in them.  A sight she hadn't seen in a very long time.  

Harry had been quite fetching in his anger, telling the Wizengamot that they had no ethics.  And how pathetic were they to want to punish a child for doing what he had been ordered to do.  If they were going to throw Draco Malfoy in Azkaban, then they better put him there too.  Because he had committed murder by killing a man.  And Narcissa wasn't a death eater, you're just looking to crucify her because her husband is Lucius.

The Wizengamot had been gobsmacked at those words, and had declared herself and her son free, with all of the charges against them dropped.  She felt a warmth in her heart and mouthed a thank you to Harry for his kind words.  He had smiled at her with a nod, noting her thanks.  Then when he turned his attention to Draco, he smiled at him too.  She was too late to see her son's reaction, but she was willing to bet that he had at least tried to smile back.  

Also something that he hadn't done in a long time.  Smile.

She had noticed that he was eating less.  Becoming a shell of the young man that he used to be, his hair losing it's previous luster and shine.  His eyes lacking the life that she knew he had inside him, the dark circles becoming more and more prominent.  She saw how his clothes became too big for him, and her heart would break.  Her resolve would shatter, and she would go to bed in tears because every time she wanted to talk about it, he shut her out.

Only to wake up to a new day.  A new day of horror and the exact same things happen over and over and over again.  He would try and smile at the breakfast table, stating he wasn't hungry, only eating a slice of dry toast with his tea.  Then going for a shower, and spending the day either in his room, or outside.  Just sitting and staring.  

She always asked where his friends were, and he would answer that he didn't have any.  And again, her heart would break, just like it did yesterday.  And the day before that.  And the day before that.

Remembering the way his face had lit up at seeing Harry Potter, she decided one morning that she was going to ask for his help.  If he refused, then she would have no alternative than to tell Draco he needed to go to therapy, if not for himself, then at least for her.  She could not watch him kill himself slowly another day, or she was going to lose her mind.  She would not take no for an answer from her son.  She knew that bridges had to be rebuilt, and that it would take time, but it seemed that they had a lot of that.

She had penned the letter, and had sent it to Harry with the hope that he would at least reply.  Receiving his answer not even a few hours later was electrifying.

Dear Mrs Malfoy

I would love to help Draco.

Perhaps he can help me too.

Humbly yours

Harry Potter

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