21. Surprise

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From that day on, it was hard to separate the two boys from each other, making it hard for everyone else who couldn't quite understand their relationship.  If Ron invited Harry for something, he would either check with Draco first, or say that he already had plans with Draco.  The redhead had no idea of Harry's feelings, but accepted his new nature the best way he knew how.

With silence and a smile.

If Harry went a day without seeing Draco, he would sulk at his misfortune and shout at the gods that life was unfair.  Not that he could help it mind you, there were days that he had to still see his friends, and oversee things that were happening at his own house.  He couldn't always say no to Ron and the Weasleys - it wasn't right.

On the days that Draco didn't see Harry, everyone in the Manor knew to steer clear of him, because his moods would become more and more foul.  He would sneer at those closest to him, and even both his friends - Pansy and Blaise - who had come back into his life, stated that maybe Potter should just move into the Manor.

Harry had suggested that Draco invite his two friends who he hadn't seen in a long time, and said they should have a picnic.  And to make things easier, he would be there for Draco.  If they were going to sneer or shout at him, Harry would love to step in and put them in their place, making Draco laugh out loud at his Gryffindor bravery.

"This Gryffindor bravery won us the war you prat!", he would chuckle.

"Yes you dolt, but you do realize that it's snakes in the snake pit, don't you?", he would tease back.  "You and your bravery don't stand a chance against them - they feel at home here".

Harry would mumble something like 'we'll see', to which Draco would roll his eyes and ruffle his hair.  

His friends were excited at seeing him again, and when they arrived for the picnic, it was Pansy who saw the change in Draco firsthand.  Obviously Potter was a positive force in his life, and she was glad.  

They ate and drank, and they laughed the whole time, not once talking about the war.  Not how it had changed all of them, thankful that they all had a second chance at life.  Blaise would be seen laughing with Draco, making Harry look at him with adoration, and a look on his face that could only be described as needy.

Both of Draco's friends would notice how Harry would see to every whim of Draco, and how he would smile just from watching him, and they were so happy for him.  But boundaries were never overstepped in any friendships between the Slytherins, and so they said nothing to him, hoping that he would see it himself sooner rather than later.

There were days that there would be no friends invited, and no picnics held, they would just be there with each other.  Reading a book, or taking a walk.  Making a dinner or icing a cake, and on days like this there was almost no need to talk.  Just the need to be around each other, and feel that the other was there, in case life got too hard again.

Harry had started telling Draco about the Patronus Charm, and wondered what the form of his Patronus would take.  Every time that they put aside to work on their magic, Draco was beside himself with happiness.  With wand in hand, Harry would stand behind him and tell him to think of a happy memory.

Only this could call forth your Patronus.  At first only a silver wisp would come out of his wand, making Draco lose his temper, because he had no happy memories.  And Harry would be patient with him, saying they would always try again tomorrow.  

There were days that Draco would break down in tears and anger all over again, only to have Harry hug him and tell him that everything was as it should be.  And there were also times when Harry would fall asleep in a chair in the lounge, but have terrible nightmares, only to have Draco soothe them away with his words and his endearments.

Fireball had been washed and placed on Draco's bed, just as his mother had told him.  Draco introduced him to Harry, laughing at the way that the chosen one held out his hand for the dragon plushie to shake.  Then smacking him behind his head for being so silly, the dragon wasn't able to do that you dork!

But magic is a wonderful thing - because just with a snap of his finger, Fireball raised his hand and shook that of the golden boy, making Draco's mouth open wide at what he had just witnessed.  Then they would both burst into laughter, and grab their stomachs from all the laughing, and fall down onto the floor, calling each other names like - Stupid Gryffindor - and - Sassy Slytherin.

It was moments like this that both boys lived for.  And when it was time for Harry to go home, it would take him ages to leave, wanting to make sure that Draco would be all right if he left.  Yes, they would see each other the next day, but one being away from the other wasn't doing them any favors.  They loved the company - it made all the heartbreak and ugliness leave their lives.

They were the light that both boys needed in their lives, and when Narcissa saw the tides change, she wondered how long it would take for them to realize what she had known all along, and what was so obvious.  

Draco had asked Harry to show her the trick that he had done with Fireball, and she had laughed out loud just as they had.

It was truly a wonderful thing to see Draco become the man that he was, and she even noticed the subtle changes in Harry.

The way he would take more care with the way he dressed.  The way he would always make sure that Draco had enough to eat, or take him out for the day, hoping that he hadn't made a mistake and that the blond man would enjoy himself.

Little did Harry know that wherever he took Draco, he would love it, because it meant that he could spend more time with him.

And when neither of them were looking, she would watch their faces for any sign of what she knew was going on in their hearts.  Arguments and fights were normal, they were going to have those, everyone does.  But they always managed to find a way around it, and talk about it, to move on again.

Harry would go home every evening with a smile on his face and new aces up his sleeve on how to impress Draco, or a plan to spoil him.  

It was on a certain day, that when he arrived home, his heart felt a flutter inside at the parting words of his friend.  Harry had hugged him tightly, and Draco had whispered, "I love you", to him.

"I love you more", whispered Harry, and squeezed him tight again, and then apparated away.

He had to admit that it felt like heaven hearing it come from those lips.  And to say it back, and mean it - wow - he would have to tell Draco that he was in love with him.  He had been for a while, and it wasn't as if he was ignoring it.  He never wanted to make Draco feel uncomfortable, and also didn't want to lose his friendship.

He would tell him tomorrow - and they would face it together.

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