18. Interest

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Harry had butterflies.  In his stomach.  Because Draco bloody Malfoy was holding his hand, and he welcomed it.  In fact, he wanted to take his hand and kiss it, but he knew his boundaries.  Draco would probably throw him out the Manor and tell him to fuck off and never come back.  And he didn't want that, so he enjoyed the gesture, and smiled at Draco to go on.

"I was even allowed to name him.  Fireball.  He and I did everything together.  When it was bath time, he would sit in the bathroom.  When it was nap time, he joined me on my bed.  When it was dinner, he would eat with me in my room.  Well, most nights anyway.  The times that I had to eat at the table, he wasn't allowed to.  But I had agreed to the rules, so......  If there was a picnic held like now, he was there.  He and I did everything together Harry, and I loved him with all my heart.  My father doesn't even know how much, and perhaps that's a good thing".

He took a deep breath and carried on, loving the fact that Harry was stroking his hand with his thumb.  Small circles just enough to keep him calm, and to let him know that he was there for him.  He was listening to everything being told firsthand by the Malfoy heir.

"Then one day, shortly after my 11th birthday, I woke up and did my usual routine.  Had a shower, and what not, asked Mother if I could have breakfast in my room that day, because I didn't feel well.  She agreed.  After getting dressed, I looked in my bed for Fireball and when I couldn't find him, I looked under the bed.  When he wasn't there, I started to panic, because you must remember, this was my only first real friend.  He wasn't exactly real, but he was mine.  And I loved him", he said, his eyes starting to brim with tears.

Harry put his other arm around Draco, so the man could lean into his chest.  Grateful for the comfort, he sniffed and continued.  "I searched the whole house for him Harry.  Every single nook and cranny, and I never found him.  It took a week before I stopped looking.  I still don't know where he is, who took him away or why.  Although I am inclined to believe it was my father.  But that doesn't make sense.  Why buy it for me in the first place.  Mother and the house elves helped me look, and it was Tinkle who delivered the blow when he came to tell me that Fireball was no longer at the Manor", he choked out.

"Oh Draco", whispered Harry.  "I am so sorry hun, and thank you for trusting me with this story.  I think I can understand now why you are scared of making new friends.  You have a fear that they will leave you with no explanation just like Fireball did.  Am I right?", he asked.

Draco nodded, and started sobbing.  He turned into Harry, clutching at his shirt, and cried his heart out.  He hadn't let go of so much emotion in one sitting before, and it felt good to release.  To gain some sort of relief and perspective on the whole sordid situation.  Harry wrapped both arms around him, and rocked him, trying to bring calm to him.  

Harry kept repeating the words over and over again, "I'm so sorry sweetheart".

Draco's head was playing tricks on him.  Or at least that's what he thought.  Harry had called him hun and sweetheart in the space of two minutes, and he was getting butterflies.  Being held by the savior was a great feeling, but he wasn't ready to let go just yet.  He was going to cry on Harry's shirt and get it as wet as possible before he even thought of looking up and apologizing.  And Harry's hand was stroking his back, to ease the shakes from his sobbing, not once concerned at how uncomfortable he was.

When it seemed that Draco had finished crying over Fireball, he looked up at Harry.  His eyes were red, tear streaks running down his face, he looked an absolute mess, and Harry thought that he had never seen something quite so beautiful before.  

He looked back at Draco, swallowed audibly and reached out to wipe his tears away.  When he did that, Draco closed his eyes slowly.  Wanting and waiting for Harry to touch him. 

Tinkle appeared suddenly and told them that his mother was back, and wanted them to join her in the lounge.  Draco left the warmth of Harry's arms, thanked the house elf, and stood up quite fast.  Harry's cheeks heated, and thought that Draco felt disgusted at him, and the way he had reached for him.  He would go with to listen to Narcissa, but then make his excuses to go back home.  He didn't want to be around the blond, if he was feeling repulsed by him.

The butterflies were still there, because they had shared quite an intimate moment.  Harry had wanted to kiss him, but he was too much of a gentleman to push.  

Or a coward, he head shouted at him.  

Yeah, let's go with that.  He was a coward.  He had wanted to kiss him, and maybe Draco had wanted it too, but how to be sure.  He would never force anything on anybody, and so he would wait.  Wait to be told to kiss him, or fuck off already.  Whichever came first.

The put their shoes and coats back on, and Draco asked Tinkle to clear the picnic things away, thank you.

They walked in uncomfortable silence to the house, and greeted Narcissa before sitting down.  When she saw her son she smiled.  His cheeks had a pink glow to them, but it almost looked as if he had been crying?  "Are you all right Draco?", she asked concerned.

"Yes thank you Mother.  I was telling Harry a sad pathetic story is all", he replied not wanting to go into detail.

She knew what it had been about.  She wasn't stupid, but knew that she had to tread very carefully here.  "Draco, there is something that I have to tell you", she said.

Harry felt that he should leave.  He didn't need to be here, and if it was private, all the more reason to leave.  He rose out of his chair and started saying that he should probably go, when Narcissa shook her head and said, "No Harry.  I would like you to stay, please".  

He nodded and sat back down.  Smiling at her son, she told him what he had wanted to hear all those  years ago.

"What's wrong Mother?", he asked with a shaky voice.

"I found Fireball", she simply said.  Draco went ice cold.  Harry looked at him with sorrow, and it was as if time stopped moving.  In one fluid movement, Draco stood up and panting heavily looked at his mother and then at Harry, and ran out of the room.  He ran up the stairs to his room, and when they heard the door slam, they knew that he wanted to be alone.

"Will he be all right?", asked Harry.  Narcissa nodded and said yes.  "Perhaps we should leave him alone.  Just give him some time", she replied.  Harry nodded and greeted her and said he would call on Draco tomorrow if that's all right.  

She said it would be fine.

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