5. Determination

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After the crappy day he had had yesterday, he woke up feeling much better, and with a new burst of energy got out of bed, made short work of his routine, and made his way to Malfoy Manor, just as he had done the day before.  Dressed in tight shorts and a T shirt today, with running shoes, he knew he looked casual.  

Intimidating wasn't a look that he enjoyed wearing, and if he wanted the 'meeting' to be everything but formal, this was the perfect way to achieve that.  Make Draco feel at home, so to speak.

He knocked again, and Tinkle was there to answer.  "Welcome Master Harry.  Please come inside", he said with a huge smile.  Harry nodded and said thank you.

"Is Draco awake?", he asked the elf.  "Oh yes Master Harry.  I will be gettings him for you", and he ran off, up the stairs to plead with his Master to please at least go and see what Master Harry was here for.  And did you know that he waited all day for you yesterday.  

The sun had almost started to set yesterday when Harry decided to leave, and the elf wanted to prevent that from happening again.  He had told Mistress Narcissa about it, but she had just given him a soft smile and said thank you for the information.

"Enter", said Draco again in a croaky voice.  He had not slept well last night, thoughts of Potter haunting his dreams.  The way he had rubbed his face as if he were tired yesterday, served him right though.  He should have left when Draco had said so.  Stupid Gryffindor.  He had asked his mother what she thought Potter was here to do, and she had simply said, perhaps to mend barriers, and forge a new friendship.  Where was the fault in that?

He shrugged.  He didn't have an answer, because he didn't know how to be a friend.  The only one that he had had, had been taken from him.  Lost forever, and if he made a new friend now, whoever it was, the same would probably happen to him, and Draco knew he couldn't afford for that to happen.  His heart wouldn't be able to carry the burden a second time.

Tinkle huffed out his chest and said in his most polite voice, "Master Harry Potter is here to see you Master Draco.  He is waiting for you in the blue lounge".

Draco looked up at him from where he was sitting on his armchair.  He nodded and said thank you.  "Tell Potter I will be out shortly", he said and rose to make his way towards his bathroom.  Washing his face, combing his hair, he wanted to take his time.  He wanted to see just how far he could push Potter's patience.  

Maybe yesterday was a fluke.  He probably wouldn't wait that long for him again.  And so his movements were slow, and by the time that he was ready, another hour had passed.

Making his way through the secret tunnels again, he opened the door slightly, and watched Potter again through the crack.  He was sitting with his one ankle over his knee, drumming his fingers on the couch.  His head was laid back, and his eyes were closed.  He wondered what the golden boy was thinking, if he even could think.  

Draco stayed in the room watching, and Harry stayed in the lounge waiting.  There was no offer of tea made this time, and when dusk had started to settle, Harry rose, and made his way towards the front door, realizing that Draco wasn't going to come to him.

"Harry", said the soft voice of Narcissa.  "Please give him time", she begged.  

He turned to look at her and answered, "I will not rush him Narcissa, but please give him my regards and tell him I waited for him".  She nodded and said she would do this.  

And so it went on and on, for two weeks.  Harry would arrive and wait for Draco to show.  He would drink tea, and focus on a portrait, wondering why Draco was doing everything to avoid him.  And Draco would watch Harry, through the crack of the open door, wondering what Potter was doing here and what did he want with him.  And why did he keep coming back.  The man was resilient, if anything.  Perhaps he had pushed him far enough, it was time to show his face.

Harry was having the same thought.  If Draco didn't show his face tomorrow, he was going to rip his door off and demand to speak to him.  Yes he was patient, but why was the blond being so stubborn.  He had made it clear that Draco knew it was him who was calling, so that way he wouldn't be surprised when he did indeed leave his room to welcome his guest.  

He felt a new determination enter him.  He had to end this stupid stand off.  He was going to talk to Draco, if it was the last thing he did.  That way, Draco could call it a win.  Because that's what they knew best, how to compete against each other.

The next day after knocking, he simply asked Tinkle, where Draco's bedroom was.  

Tinkle's eyes went wide, but showed Harry the door none the less.  Harry knocked on his door this time, and when he heard the dry voice of Draco say "Enter", he turned the knob slowly, and entered the bedroom.  Draco was sitting in an armchair, facing the window with his back to his visitor.  Before Harry could say anything, Draco spoke.

"I suppose you are here to tell me that Potter is here to see me again, am I right Tinkle.  And if that is the case, then please tell Potter that I will be right out".

Harry cleared his throat and said in a dry voice, "Actually, it's me.  I asked Tinkle to show me where your room is, so...", but Harry never had a chance to finish his sentence.

Draco had got up so quickly, it was like watching liquid dance.  He looked at Harry, narrowed his eyes, and asked him, "What the fuck are you doing in my room Potter?  What do you want?", he shouted.

"Please don't be angry with Tinkle.  I just wanted to see if you were doing okay.  I've been coming here for over two weeks, and every..."

"I KNOW THAT", shouted Draco.  "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

Harry gulped at the anger coming from Draco.  "I need.....I came because......I asked your mother if I could come and visit you, and she said yes.  That I need to give you time, and I'm sorry Draco, I didn't mean to intrude....I just..", he stuttered, not knowing what else to say.

"Get out", demanded Draco.  

"Get the fuck out of my room Potter", and with that he turned his back on him and faced the window again.

Shaking, Harry left and closed the door, making his way downstairs.  He didn't even say goodbye to anyone, and made his way towards the outdoors.  He would have to rethink his strategy, it seemed.  Determination could only get you so far. 

He needed a plan.

On The Wings of A DragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz