20. Compassion

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Harry had heard Draco shouting out the he hated him, but still wanted to tell him, that if he needed him, he would be there for Draco.

When Draco had opened the door with such force, it had Harry taking a step back from the look of anger on his face.  He wanted to apologize for what he was going through, and for leaving, but he had no words.  The anger coming from Draco was quite scary, making Harry think twice about what he wanted to say.

But the angry face also had tear streaks running down his cheeks.  His bottom lip trembling at the shame that he was feeling, and his disheveled look made Harry think that he had never seen anything quite as cute as this before.

Harry really wanted to hug him. To tell him that it was going to be okay.

So he did.

He reached for Draco and wrapped him up in his arms, giving him warmth and hopefully enough strength to get through the next part of his day.  He just held onto him at the threshold of the door, and Draco was so tired from all the different emotions he had gone through, he burst into a fresh bout of tears.  Harry held him upright in his arms, all the while talking to him, and telling him, "It's okay darling, I'm here for you.  It's okay Draco.  Cry - let it all out", which is exactly what Draco was doing.  

When he was all cried out, he collapsed in Harry's arms.  It may be difficult for some to know and understand what Draco was going through, but he had been raised extremely strict.  He was taught that a Malfoy has no feelings, and crying was out of the question.  So, nineteen years of not showing any emotion, he was a volcano ready to burst, and apparently this was it.

Harry picked him up bridal style, and asked Narcissa where his room was.  He was going to lie him down and maybe spend some time with him when he woke up and she agreed.  

He lay Draco down, stroked his hair away from his face, and kissed his forehead.  Leaving the room, he kept the door ajar, so that they would be able to hear if he moved or woke up when they were downstairs.  

Narcissa had Tinkle prepare tea and told Harry what she had told Draco.

"I heard him shouting out that he hates me", said Harry with disgust.  "I never meant to leave, but you said it was for the best...."

"Oh Harry - he was talking about Lucius, not you", she replied.  "Draco adores you - he has changed so much ever since you have been back in his life.  He has even started eating better.  I have you to thank for that", she stated.

"Thank you - and it's a relief to know it's not about me - the hate thing", he said with a small smile.  "I'm going to go and sit with him, if that's all right", he offered.

She said it was, and watched as he climbed the stairs with a smile of her own on her face.

When Harry entered his room, Draco was still 'sleeping'.  His mind and his heart had been through a war zone, and now he needed to mend.  He had to face it and put it behind him, and Harry was going to help him do that, whether Draco wanted his help or not.  

He sat on the bed against the headboard, and when Draco shifted so that his head was on Harry's lap, he smiled again.  He ran his fingers through the blond hair, thinking how soft it was, and when he leaned his head back, his eyes closed and he fell asleep as well.

It was two hours later when Draco woke up and saw that he had been fast asleep on Harry's lap, and wondered when that had happened.  He lay back down, and just enjoyed the feel and the scent of Harry, that was causing him absolute calm.  He recalled how his mother had explained what had happened to Fireball, and then him shouting out that he hated Lucius.

He remembered opening the door to see Harry standing there, looking like a pathetic sap, but that's when his resistance crumbled.  He remembered the strong arms around him, offering him safety, and after that he couldn't remember anything else.

Harry had felt him stir, and started to wake up himself.  He placed a hand on Draco's head, and when the blond moved to turn his face towards Harry, they gave each other a smile.  Not an uncomfortable one, but one of understanding.

"Hey - how are you feeling?", asked Harry in a croaky voice.

"I'm not sure - I feel lighter, I think", came the soft reply.  

That made Harry smile - "Then we're halfway there Draco", he said with another smile.  He asked Draco if he was hungry to which the reply was no thank you.  

"I just want to lie here with you for a while longer Harry", he said.  Harry shifted so that his head was on the pillow, and then he opened his arms for Draco.  With his head on the chest of the savior, Draco felt like he was flying.  This is where he wanted to stay, this is where he wanted to get lost and found.  It was surreal thinking that the boy he used to insult was holding onto him as if he were the most precious gem in the world.

"You must think I'm a pathetic crybaby", said Draco with a sigh.

"Why would I think that?", asked Harry.  "Because you have the ability to love - you think people will laugh at you - that's not how life works Draco", he said.

"It was a fucking toy Potter", he said with the same sass that Harry secretly adored.

"So.  As babies we are taught to love small and inanimate things first - nothing wrong with that", he said back. 

Draco stayed silent for a long time, all the while enjoying Harry's hand in his hair, and the feel of his solid body under him.  "Thank you Harry", he said after a while.

Harry squeezed his arms tight around Draco in a show of love, and answered, "Anytime.  Maybe if you're feeling up to it, we can go to lunch tomorrow", he asked hoping that Draco would say yes.

Draco raised his head and looked into the viridian eyes that he admired, and was so thankful that Harry had compassion for what he was going through, and not want to laugh at him.

"I would like that, thank you", he said and dropped his head again, so they could lie together in further silence. 

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