25. Perfection

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After reading the letter, they had enjoyed each other's bodies again, with Harry taking Draco from behind, and then went for a hot shower.  It was time to tell the world about them, apparently.  And they didn't want to waste any time doing that.

The letter had been from Narcissa who begged them to come home, there were people at the Manor who wished to speak to them.  At first they were apprehensive as to who it could be, but when Harry kissed Draco and told him that nothing and  no one would come between them, he was calm again.

They arrived at the Manor, and walked inside without knocking.  Tinkle took them to the lounge, and they were astounded at what they saw.  At who they saw.

Narcissa was sitting on her usual chair, with Pansy and Blaise sharing a couch, and Ron and Hermoine sharing another.  When they entered, everyone looked up at them.  Harry and Draco took their seats next to each other, and waited until someone spoke.

It was Pansy.  She thought that she had been left out of the loop, and wanted answers.  Surprisingly enough, Ron Weasley was on her side, demanding to know where they had been, and why didn't you think to tell us that there was something brewing.

Blaise and Hermoine were the intelligent duo of the group, and stayed silent.  Happy about the fact that both of them had found happiness, even if it was with each other.

"Pansy", said Draco.  "While I absolutely adore you and tell you everything - you have to know that Harry and I have basically just told each other how we feel", he said.

"And how do you feel Draco?", she asked kindly.

"I love him.  With all my heart", came the reply while he looked at Harry, making him smile that goofy smile of his.  Draco was willing to shout it out to the world.

"Potter - I have only one thing to say to you", she said with a scowl.

Harry raised his face to look at her sternly, and knew that she was going to threaten him if he ever hurt Draco.  But what came out of her mouth was, welcome if not a bit weird.

"You guys are perfect for each other.  I've been saying it since fourth year, and I want to know why it took you so long?", she said.

Harry laughed out loud, and answered in his own words.  

"I know that I have been a bit distant with you guys, Ron - Hermoine - but I've been feeling so broken.  After the war, nothing made sense, it was as if I was functioning on Autopilot.  Wake up. Eat. Sleep.  That's what my day consisted of.  The day I went to Draco's trial, I noticed something missing in his eyes.  And when I got home, I realized that it was the one thing that would always draw me to him.  There was no light, no life.  Almost as if he had given up", he said.

"So", he continued, and took hold of Draco's hand interlocking their fingers.  "I asked Narcissa if I could come and visit him.  Maybe be the one to put the light back in his eyes, make them shine bright again.  And then when I saw that it was happening, I sort of - fell in love with him.  And I am not going to apologize for it, because for the first time in my life - I can honestly say that he makes me happy.  Yes, we have only just started, but I think the worst is behind us.  I think - no I know - that Draco is the best thing that has ever happened to me", he finished.

"You're such a sap Potter", chuckled Draco looking at him.  They both gazed at everyone else in the lounge, waiting for a reaction, when Tinkle arrived with a bottle of champagne. 

"Well Harry, if you are happy, and Draco is happy, then that makes me the happiest woman in the world", said Narcissa and raised her glass for a toast.

"You two are perfect for each other Harry - you always have been", said Hermoine.  He thanked her, and all of them for their support, knowing that this was just the beginning.  But it was going to be set in stone - he would take no crap from anyone.

If the world didn't accept their relationship, then that was the world's problem.  He wasn't going to be burdened with what the world wanted anymore.  It was about him and Draco now.

He wanted Draco, and Draco wanted him.  And they had to live for each other now.  They told their friends about their Patronus forms, and after a lot of begging - which Slytherins don't normally do - they showed them the two dragons.

Hermoine was gobsmacked.  "Oh Harry", she said.  She realized that he had finally laid his parents to rest with his new form, having found something and someone new to focus his love and energy on.

Ron was dumbfounded that your Patronus could change.  Hermoine explained to him about the time when Tonks' had changed, when she was in love with Remus Lupin.  He nodded in understanding.  

Pansy and Blaise both asked Harry if he would teach them how to cast the charm, and he rose to the occasion with a big smile.  

The rest of the day was spent with laughter and stories.  All of them enjoying the new versions of the men that they had been.  So mature, with so much love to give, and Narcissa was particularly happy that night when she laid her head down to rest.  

All she had ever wanted for her son, was to find happiness.  His first moment of being happy was when he had been gifted a dragon plushie, and his next was when Harry had declared his love for him, bringing forth his own Fireball dragon Patronus.

They were the perfect couple, and while she knew the world was cruel, she too wasn't fazed about what was going to be said about them. 

Harry Potter was going to face the music, and with Draco by his side they would be their world's most perfect power couple.

~ The End ~

On The Wings of A Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें