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"god i'm so glad it's friday", i say while walking into school with rose. "don't you have detention tho?", she asks. "fuck. i forgot", i say back while rolling my eyes. she lets out a little laugh and i punch her shoulder jokingly.

i may or may have not gotten two or more detentions throughout the week.. so ms. o'connell had to have a talk with my mom. i fucking hate her more because of that.

i don't see anyone around besides one other person so i take a hit of roses vape and blow it up into the air. i look up and surprise surprise, ms. jolly golly o'connell is right there in front of me.

"bro what the fuck", i say out loud. "what did i tell you annalisia", ms. o'connell says while grabbing the vape out of my hand. "you know what you get?", she asks while looking at me. "i know i know. another fucking detention", i says back annoyed. "rose get to class", billie then says and rose says bye to me and walks back to her first period.

"how come she never gets detention?", i ask. she doesn't answer me so i roll my eyes and make my way to her class. fucking bitch. "excuse me?", she says while raising her eyebrows at me. i said that out loud?? "um nothing", i say back.

so far i have what.. 6 weeks of detention? or maybe it's 8.. i lost count. great way to start off the year. starting of strong am i right?

some time goes by and it's about 12:15 now. this is my lunch period so i start making my way down to the cafeteria. as i'm walking i hear my name be called. "annalisia", i turn around and see ms. o'connell.

i raise my eyebrows as a way of saying 'what'. "don't forget you have detention after school today. i'll be picking you up at your last period so you don't skip", ms. o'connell says to me. i roll my eyes and let out a small 'ok', and continue walking to the cafeteria.

once i get there i scan over everyone to try to find rose. once i find her i walk over and sit down. "hey lis", she says with a small smile. she has a few nicknames for me. alisia, lisia, lis and just some other dumb ones. those are the main ones.

"so are you excited to go to detention and spend another hour with you favorite teacher", rose jokes and i roll my eyes dramatically and groan. "fuuuuck don't remind me rose", i say while throwing my head back.

she lets out a loud laugh and a jokingly punch her shoulder. "it's not funny", i say back while starting to laugh. we continue laughing for a little and joking about stupid shit.

lunch is over so we both start heading over to our next class. "i'll see you.. not after school because you have detention", rose says with a small smile playing on her lips. "bro you're so annoying. i'll text you, ok?", i say back. she nods her head in response and we go our separate ways.

i finish up the class i had after lunch and this bitch ass teacher gave us homework. i start making my way over to my next period. this class usually goes by pretty fast so let's hope to keep it that way.

we only had a small piece of paper that was handed to us in the beginning of class. there was about 15 questions on it and it was pretty easy.

as soon as i finished the last question the bell rang. thank god. i grab my bag and turn the paper in and walk out of class.

~time skip~

i just finished my last class of the day and as i'm walking i feel someone grab my shoulder. the fuck? i turn around and see, you guessed it, ms.o'connell. i roll my eyes and start walking the other direction to her classroom.

"take a seat annalisia", ms. o'connell says sternly. i take a seat in the first row and i look around and there's no one here. "where is everyone?", i ask kind of confused. "no one else got detention", she says back. that's not weird at all.

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