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"bro it's only wednesday. if i get anymore detentions ima drop out i swear", i say while walking with rose. i was actually on time today so she said she'd walk me to my first class. "this week needs to hurry up. i'm already sick of school", rose says and i agree with her.

i finally get to my first period. i say goodbye to rose and walk into class. i see ms. o'connell look up from her phone to see who had walked in but then she just looks back down. i take a seat in the very back and lay my head down on the desk.

i look at the time and it's 8 o'clock on the dot. i hear ms. o'connell start to speak about whatever the fuck. i wasn't really paying attention.

she hands out a piece of paper but stops at my desk. she just stares at me and bites her lip. um.. i just look away awkwardly and begin writing my name on the top of the paper. she's kinda weird.. not gonna lie. she's also a bitch but we already knew that.

ms. o'connell said we could talk quietly to go over the paper with a partner but.. i hated everyone in this class so i guess i'm doing it by myself. yay.

as i'm working i hear my name be called. "yo annalisia", charlotte says. she's probably the straightest person i know. also the most homophobic.. and she she's an absolute bitch and is always out to get me.

we use to be friends but.. some stuff happened.

(tw: slight talk of abuse)

i look up and let out a small 'what'. "does your dad still abuse you and your psycho sister?", charlotte says while holding back a laugh. "excuse me?", i say back. "you heard me. i remember when you use to have bruises all over you from your dad. it's a shame that your dad doesn't love you.. it shows too", she says back.

i get up from my desk and go over to her. "what the fuck did you just say?", i say while clenching my jaw. "bitch are you d-", she begins to say but i cut her off.

i punch her in the face and i know damn well it hurt. i had bulky rings on all of my fingers. she instantly puts her hand over her nose that's now bleeding. oops?

"you wanna fucking say that again?", i ask, now very pissed. "this bitch is crazy. she's just like her sister", i hear charlotte say loudly. i'm about to go at her again but then feel someone grab me. ms. o'connell. this hoe-

"take charlotte to the nurse please", ms. o'connell says to one of the other students. "bruh she's literally fine", i say but ms. o'connell glares at me.

the bell rings and i begin to grab my things but ms. o'connell stops me. "really annalisia? you think you're just going to get away with this?", she asks. i roll my eyes and stay behind while everyone goes to their next class.

"let's go annalisia", ms. o'connell says sternly. we walk down to the front office and i see charlotte in the nurses office. please- she's so dramatic. if anything she just has a broken nose.

"what is it now?", the principle says. "charlo-", i begin to say but ms. o'connell glares at me, implying for me to shut up. "annalisia got in a fight with charlotte", she says while looking over at charlotte. "i see that. i'm going to have to call your mom annalisia", the principal says. "no please don't bother her. she's at work", i tell her honestly.

i wasn't lying. i knew i was already going to get in trouble from this and she'd be even more pissed if i bothered her while she was working. "then you can just stay with me in the front office", the principal says. "nah can she stay with me? i'll keep an eye on her, make her do extra work", ms. o'connell says. what the fuck.

"that's fine, and i'm only going to give you a one day suspension, but if this happens again you're getting expelled. do i make myself clear annalisia?", the principal says. "yes ma'am", i say back.

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